[LEDE-DEV] wrong switch configuration

e9hack e9hack at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 06:54:32 PDT 2016


it's my fault. The image contains 02_network and 02_network.orig in /etc/board.d. I did
add TP-Link WR802N to the build tree. For pull, sometimes I've to revert my changes and
apply the patches afterwards again. This did generate some *.orig and *.rej files. The
build script copies the whole directory to the image instead of the necessary files only.
Removing 02_network.orig solves the network/switch problem. Hopefully it solves my other
problem too.

Thanks for pointing me to /etc/board.json.


Am 19.07.2016 um 06:58 schrieb Jo-Philipp Wich:
> can you please provide the output of "./scripts/diffconfig.sh" in your
> buildroot and the contents of "/etc/board.json" on your device?
> Can you also see if the configuration looks saner after an "rm -f
> /etc/config/network /etc/config/system; /bin/config_generate" ?

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