[LEDE-DEV] [PATCH] base-files: sysupgrade. Added the ability

Luke McKee hojuruku at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 10:04:17 PDT 2016

I am not a fan of wget, you see opkg already comes with uclient-fetch as
a per-requisite.

I know wget can be bundled in with busybox, but openwrt opted for their
own downloader. I don't know what uses less code.

I'm thinking of patching opkg to use tftp (busybox) and tftp:// urls. If
someone makes a case busybox wget is better than ulcient-fetch then let
people at compile time choose what they want for opkg. Any patch that
uses wget should check if it supports ssl or not. It seems silly to have
opkg dependant on one downloader that everyone has installs, and base
files dependant on another to have functionality. Why not add sshfs urls
too? Most people are happy using scp to put the image in temp before
flashing, and doing whatever they need to do like a md5sum.

uclient-fetch [options] <URL>

    -4                Use IPv4 only
    -6                Use IPv6 only
    -q                Turn off status messages
    -O <file>            Redirect output to file (use "-" for stdout)
    -P <dir>            Set directory for output files
    --user=<user>            HTTP authentication username
    --password=<password>        HTTP authentication password
    --user-agent|-U <str>        Set HTTP user agent
    --post-data=STRING        use the POST method; send STRING as the data
    --spider|-s            Spider mode - only check file existence
    --timeout=N|-T N        Set connect/request timeout to N seconds
    --proxy=on|off|-Y on|off    Enable/disable env var configured proxy

HTTPS options:
    --ca-certificate=<cert>        Load CA certificates from file <cert>
    --no-check-certificate        don't validate the server's certificate

On 07/04/2016 11:36 PM, lede-dev-request at lists.infradead.org wrote:
> Date: Mon,  4 Jul 2016 13:42:17 +0300
> From: adron at yapic.net
> To: lede-dev at lists.infradead.org
> Cc: Sergey Sergeev <adron at yapic.net>
> Subject: [LEDE-DEV] [PATCH] base-files: sysupgrade. Added the ability
> 	to use	URL as source

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