[openwrt/openwrt] unetd: add cli module

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Thu Feb 13 10:01:15 PST 2025

nbd pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch main:

commit f7c5a2b7d4e0e10fe7b6f49a56ac6ca94a7deed4
Author: Felix Fietkau <nbd at nbd.name>
AuthorDate: Wed Feb 12 20:01:09 2025 +0100

    unetd: add cli module
    This vastly simplifies creating and managing unet networks.
    It also adds support for the unetd protocol for onboarding new nodes
    over the network.
    Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd at nbd.name>
 package/network/services/unetd/Makefile      |    2 +
 package/network/services/unetd/files/unet.uc | 1226 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1228 insertions(+)

diff --git a/package/network/services/unetd/Makefile b/package/network/services/unetd/Makefile
index 6923c68873..94ae13dc48 100644
--- a/package/network/services/unetd/Makefile
+++ b/package/network/services/unetd/Makefile
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ endef
 define Package/unetd/install
+		$(1)/usr/share/ucode/cli/modules \
 		$(1)/etc/unetd \
 		$(1)/lib/bpf \
 		$(1)/etc/init.d \
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ define Package/unetd/install
 		$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/unet-tool \
 	$(if $(CONFIG_UNETD_VXLAN_SUPPORT),$(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/mss-bpf.o $(1)/lib/bpf/mss.o)
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/unet.uc $(1)/usr/share/ucode/cli/modules
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/unetd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/unetd
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/unetd.sh $(1)/lib/netifd/proto
diff --git a/package/network/services/unetd/files/unet.uc b/package/network/services/unetd/files/unet.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b884e23f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/unetd/files/unet.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+// Copyright (C) 2025 Felix Fietkau <nbd at nbd.name>
+'use strict';
+import { readfile, writefile, mkstemp, mkdir, unlink } from "fs";
+import { time_format } from "cli.utils";
+import * as editor from "cli.object-editor";
+import * as rtnl from "rtnl";
+import * as uci from "uci";
+const supported_service_types = [
+	"vxlan", "uconfig", "unetacl",
+function get_networks()
+	let ret = [];
+	uci.cursor().foreach("network", "interface", (s) => {
+		if (s.proto != "unet")
+			return;
+		push(ret, s[".name"]);
+	});
+	return ret;
+function get_network_status()
+	let data = model.ubus.call("unetd", "network_get");
+	if (!data)
+		return {};
+	return data.networks;
+function network_get_string_file(str)
+	let f = mkstemp();
+	f.write(str);
+	f.flush();
+	return f;
+function network_get_file_string(f)
+	f.seek();
+	let str = trim(f.read("all"));
+	f.close();
+	return str;
+function __network_get_pubkey(pw_file, salt, rounds)
+	pw_file.seek();
+	let pubkey_file = mkstemp();
+	if (system(`unet-tool -P -s ${rounds},${salt} <&${pw_file.fileno()} >&${pubkey_file.fileno()}`))
+		return ctx.command_failed("Failed to generate public key");
+	pubkey_file.seek();
+	let pubkey = trim(pubkey_file.read("all"));
+	pubkey_file.close();
+	return pubkey;
+function network_get_pubkey(pw_file, network)
+	return __network_get_pubkey(pw_file, network.config.salt, network.config.rounds);
+function __network_fetch_password(ctx, named, confirm)
+	if (named.password)
+		return true;
+	if (!model.cb.getpass) {
+		if (ctx.invalid_argument)
+			ctx.invalid_argument("Could not get network config password");
+		return;
+	}
+	let pw = model.cb.getpass("Network config password: ");
+	if (length(pw) < 12) {
+		if (ctx.invalid_argument)
+			ctx.invalid_argument("Password must be at least 12 characters long");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (confirm) {
+		let pw2 = model.cb.getpass("Confirm config password: ");
+		if (pw != pw2) {
+			if (ctx.invalid_argument)
+				ctx.invalid_argument("Password mismatch");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	named.password = pw;
+	return true;
+function network_fetch_password(ctx, named, confirm)
+	if (ctx.data.netdata)
+		named.password ??= ctx.data.netdata.password;
+	if (!__network_fetch_password(ctx, named, confirm))
+		return;
+	let pw_file = network_get_string_file(named.password);
+	return pw_file;
+function network_sign_data(ctx, name, network, pw_file, upload)
+	let rounds = network.config.rounds;
+	let salt = network.config.salt;
+	mkdir("/etc/unetd", 0700);
+	let json_file = "/etc/unetd/" + name + ".json";
+	let bin_file = "/etc/unetd/" + name + ".bin";
+	if (upload)
+		bin_file += "." + time();
+	writefile(json_file, sprintf("%.J\n", network));
+	pw_file.seek();
+	let ret = system(`unet-tool -S -s ${rounds},${salt} -o "${bin_file}" "${json_file}" <&${pw_file.fileno()}`);
+	unlink(json_file);
+	if (ret) {
+		if (ctx.command_failed)
+			ctx.command_failed("Failed to sign network configuration");
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (!upload)
+		return true;
+	ret = system(`unet-tool -U "${bin_file}"`);
+	unlink(bin_file);
+	if (ret) {
+		if (ctx.command_failed)
+			ctx.command_failed("Failed to upload network configuration");
+		return false;
+	}
+	pw_file.close();
+	return true;
+function network_create_uci(name, iface)
+	let cur = uci.cursor();
+	cur.set("network", name, "interface");
+	for (let key, val in iface)
+		cur.set("network", name, key, val);
+	cur.commit();
+	system("reload_config");
+const config_editor = {
+	change_cb: function(ctx, argv) {
+		ctx.data.netdata.changed = true;
+	},
+	add: {
+		help: "Add configuration parameter value",
+	},
+	set: {
+		help: "Set configuration parameters",
+	},
+	remove: {
+		help: "Remove configuration parameter value",
+	},
+	named_args: {
+		port: {
+			help: "wireguard port",
+			default: 51830,
+			required: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 1,
+				max: 65535,
+			}
+		},
+		"unet-port": {
+			help: "unet protocol port",
+			default: 51831,
+			required: true,
+			attribute: "peer-exchange-port",
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 1,
+				max: 65535,
+			}
+		},
+		keepalive: {
+			help: "keepalive interval (seconds)",
+			default: 10,
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 0,
+			}
+		},
+		"stun-server": {
+			help: "STUN server",
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "host",
+			}
+		}
+	}
+const UnetConfigEdit = editor.new(config_editor);
+const iface_editor = {
+	change_cb: function(ctx, argv) {
+		ctx.data.netdata.iface_changed = true;
+	},
+	add: {
+		help: "Add interface parameter value",
+	},
+	set: {
+		help: "Set interface parameters",
+	},
+	remove: {
+		help: "Remove interface parameter value",
+	},
+	named_args: {
+		metric: {
+			help: "Interface metric",
+			allow_empty: true,
+			default: 100,
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+			}
+		},
+		zone: {
+			help: "Firewall zone",
+			allow_empty: true,
+			default: "lan",
+			args: {
+				type: "string",
+			}
+		},
+		domain: {
+			help: "Local DNS domain for unet hosts",
+			default: "unet",
+			allow_empty: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "host"
+			}
+		},
+		"local-network": {
+			help: "Local network interface for discovering peers",
+			default: [ "lan" ],
+			attribute: "local_network",
+			allow_empty: true,
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "string",
+			}
+		},
+		connect: {
+			help: "Connect to remote IP or broadcast address",
+			allow_empty: true,
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "string",
+			},
+		},
+	},
+const network_local_args = {
+	...iface_editor.named_args,
+	network: {
+		help: "network name",
+		default: "unet",
+		required: true,
+		args: {
+			type: "string",
+		}
+	},
+const UnetIfaceEdit = editor.new(iface_editor);
+function network_create(ctx, argv, named) {
+	ctx.apply_defaults();
+	if (!named.network || index(named.network, "/") >= 0)
+		return ctx.error("Invalid network name: %s", named.network);
+	let pw_file = network_fetch_password(ctx, named, true);
+	if (!pw_file)
+		return;
+	let salt = readfile("/dev/urandom", 16);
+	if (length(salt) != 16)
+		return ctx.unknown_error();
+	salt = map(split(salt, ""), (v) => ord(v));
+	salt = join("", map(salt, (v) => sprintf("%02x", v)));
+	let rounds = 10000;
+	let network = {
+		config: {
+			salt, rounds,
+		},
+		hosts: {},
+	};
+	for (let name, spec in config_editor.named_args) {
+		let val = named[name];
+		if (val == null)
+			continue;
+		name = spec.attribute ?? name;
+		network.config[name] = val;
+	}
+	let pubkey = network_get_pubkey(pw_file, network);
+	let hostkey_file = mkstemp();
+	if (system(`unet-tool -G >&${hostkey_file.fileno()}`))
+		return ctx.command_failed("Failed to generate host key");
+	hostkey_file.seek();
+	let host_pubkey_file = mkstemp();
+	if (system(`unet-tool -H -K - <&${hostkey_file.fileno()} >&${host_pubkey_file.fileno()}`))
+		return ctx.command_failed("Failed to generate host public key");
+	let host_key = network_get_file_string(hostkey_file);
+	let host_pubkey = network_get_file_string(host_pubkey_file);
+	network.config.id = pubkey;
+	network.hosts[named.host] = {
+		key: host_pubkey,
+	};
+	if (!network_sign_data(ctx, named.network, network, pw_file))
+		return;
+	network_create_uci(named.network, {
+		proto: "unet",
+		metric: named.metric,
+		zone: named.zone,
+		domain: named.domain,
+		key: host_key,
+		auth_key: pubkey,
+		local_network: named["local-network"],
+		connect: named["connect"],
+	});
+	return ctx.ok("Created network "+ named.network);
+function network_delete(ctx, argv) {
+	let name = argv[0];
+	let cur = uci.cursor();
+	if (!cur.delete("network", name))
+		return ctx.command_failed("Command failed");
+	cur.commit();
+	system("reload_config");
+	return ctx.ok("Network deleted");
+function network_iface_save(ctx)
+	let netdata = ctx.data.netdata;
+	let network = ctx.data.network;
+	let changed;
+	if (!netdata.iface_changed)
+		return;
+	let cur = uci.cursor();
+	let iface_orig = cur.get_all("network", network);
+	for (let name, val in netdata.iface) {
+		if (iface_orig[name] == val)
+			continue;
+		if (val == null)
+			cur.delete("network", network, name);
+		else
+			cur.set("network", network, name, val);
+		changed = true;
+	}
+	if (changed)
+		cur.commit();
+	netdata.iface_changed = false;
+	return changed;
+function network_apply(ctx, argv, named)
+	let name = ctx.data.network;
+	let netdata = ctx.data.netdata;
+	let data = netdata.json;
+	if (!netdata.changed)
+		return;
+	let pw_file = network_fetch_password(ctx, named);
+	if (!pw_file)
+		return;
+	let id = network_get_pubkey(pw_file, data);
+	if (id != data.config.id) {
+		pw_file.close();
+		return ctx.invalid_argument("Invalid password");
+	}
+	if (!network_sign_data(ctx, name, data, pw_file, true))
+		return;
+	netdata.changed = false;
+	return true;
+function __network_enroll_cancel(model, ctx)
+	let req = ctx.data.enroll;
+	if (!req)
+		return false;
+	req.sub.remove();
+	model.ubus.call("unetd", "enroll_stop");
+	delete ctx.data.enroll;
+	return true;
+function network_enroll_accept(ctx, argv, named)
+	let req = ctx.data.enroll;
+	let id = argv[0];
+	if (!req || !id)
+		return ctx.invalid_argument();
+	let peer = req.peers[id];
+	if (!peer)
+		return ctx.invalid_argument("Session not found: %s", id);
+	model.ubus.call("unetd", "enroll_accept", {
+		session: id
+	});
+	return ctx.ok("Network peer accepted");
+function network_handle_enroll_update(model, ctx, msg)
+	let invite = ctx.data.enroll;
+	if (!invite)
+		return;
+	let data = msg.data;
+	let peer = invite.peers[data.session];
+	let ret;
+	if (!peer)
+		model.status_msg("New device detected at " + data.address + ", session id " + data.session);
+	peer ??= {};
+	if (data.accepted && !peer.accepted)
+		model.status_msg("Accepted peer at " + data.address + ", session id " + data.session);
+	if (!data.accepted)
+		data.confirmed = false;
+	if (data.confirmed && !peer.confirmed) {
+		model.status_msg("Confirmed peer at " + data.address + ", session id " + data.session);
+		ret = data;
+	}
+	invite.peers[data.session] = data;
+	return ret;
+function network_invite_peer_update(model, ctx, msg)
+	let name = ctx.data.network;
+	let netdata = ctx.data.netdata;
+	let invite = ctx.data.enroll;
+	if (!invite)
+		return;
+	let data = network_handle_enroll_update(model, ctx, msg);
+	if (!data)
+		return;
+	netdata.json.hosts[invite.name] ??= {};
+	netdata.json.hosts[invite.name].key = data.enroll_key;
+	netdata.changed = true;
+	let pw_file = network_get_string_file(netdata.password);
+	if (network_sign_data(ctx, name, netdata.json, pw_file, true)) {
+		netdata.changed = false;
+		model.status_msg("Updated configuration");
+	}
+	__network_enroll_cancel(model, ctx);
+function network_invite(ctx, argv, named)
+	let network = ctx.data.network;
+	let netdata = ctx.data.netdata;
+	let data = netdata.json;
+	let pw_file = network_fetch_password(ctx, named);
+	if (!pw_file)
+		return;
+	let id = network_get_pubkey(pw_file, data);
+	pw_file.close();
+	if (id != data.config.id)
+		return ctx.invalid_argument("Invalid password");
+	netdata.password = named.password;
+	let invite = {
+		name: argv[0],
+		peers: {},
+	};
+	invite.sub = model.ubus.subscriber((msg) => {
+		if (msg.type == "enroll_peer_update")
+			network_invite_peer_update(ctx.model, ctx, msg);
+		else if (msg.type == "enroll_timeout")
+			__network_enroll_cancel(ctx.model, ctx);
+	});
+	let req = {
+		network,
+		timeout: named.timeout,
+	};
+	if (named["access-key"]) {
+		req.enroll_secret = named["access-key"];
+		req.enroll_auto = true;
+	}
+	if (named.connect)
+		req.connect = named.connect;
+	invite.sub.subscribe("unetd");
+	model.ubus.call("unetd", "enroll_start", req);
+	ctx.data.enroll = invite;
+	return ctx.ok("Invite started");
+function network_join_peer_update(model, ctx, msg)
+	let joinreq = ctx.data.enroll;
+	let name = joinreq.name;
+	let data = network_handle_enroll_update(model, ctx, msg);
+	if (!data)
+		return;
+	let iface = {
+		proto: "unet",
+		metric: joinreq.metric,
+		zone: joinreq.zone,
+		domain: joinreq.domain,
+		connect: joinreq.connect,
+		local_network: joinreq.local_network,
+		key: data.local_key,
+		auth_key: data.enroll_key,
+	};
+	if (joinreq.connect)
+		iface.connect = joinreq.connect;
+	network_create_uci(name, iface);
+	model.status_msg("Configuration added for interface " + name);
+	__network_enroll_cancel(model, ctx);
+function resolve_network_broadcast_addr(list, net)
+	let data = model.ubus.call("network.interface." + net, "status");
+	if (!data)
+		return;
+	let dev = data.l3_device;
+	if (!dev)
+		return;
+	let req = rtnl.request(rtnl.const.RTM_GETADDR, rtnl.const.NLM_F_DUMP);
+	for (let addr in req)
+		if (addr.family == 2 && addr.dev == dev && addr.broadcast)
+			push(list, addr.broadcast);
+function network_join(ctx, argv, named)
+	__network_enroll_cancel(model, ctx);
+	ctx.apply_defaults();
+	let data = {
+		name: named.network,
+		metric: named.metric,
+		zone: named.zone,
+		domain: named.domain,
+		connect: named.connect,
+		local_network: named["local-network"],
+		peers: {},
+	};
+	let req = {
+		timeout: named.timeout,
+	};
+	if (named["access-key"]) {
+		req.enroll_secret = named["access-key"];
+		req.enroll_auto = true;
+	}
+	if (data.connect)
+		req.connect = [ ...data.connect ];
+	if (length(data.local_network) > 0) {
+		req.connect ??= [];
+		for (let net in data.local_network)
+			resolve_network_broadcast_addr(req.connect, net);
+	}
+	data.sub = model.ubus.subscriber((msg) => {
+		if (msg.type == "enroll_peer_update")
+			network_join_peer_update(ctx.model, ctx, msg);
+		else if (msg.type == "enroll_timeout")
+			__network_enroll_cancel(ctx.model, ctx);
+	});
+	data.sub.subscribe("unetd");
+	model.ubus.call("unetd", "enroll_start", req);
+	ctx.data.enroll = data;
+	return ctx.ok("Join request started");
+function network_edit_exit_hook()
+	let ctx = this;
+	let netdata = ctx.data.netdata;
+	network_iface_save(ctx);
+	__network_enroll_cancel(model, ctx);
+	if (!netdata.changed)
+		return true;
+	if (!model.cb.poll_key)
+		return true;
+	let key = model.poll_key(['c', 'r', 'a'], `You have uncommitted changes. [a]pply, [r]evert or [c]ancel? `);
+	if (!key)
+		return true;
+	switch (key) {
+	case 'c':
+		warn("cancel\n");
+		return false;
+	case 'r':
+		warn("revert\n");
+		return true;
+	case 'a':
+		warn("apply\n");
+		break;
+	}
+	let name = ctx.data.network;
+	let data = netdata.json;
+	let pw_file = network_fetch_password(ctx, {});
+	if (!pw_file)
+		return;
+	let id = network_get_pubkey(pw_file, data);
+	if (id != data.config.id) {
+		warn("Invalid password\n");
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (!network_sign_data(ctx, name, data, pw_file, true)) {
+		warn("Failed to apply network configuration\n");
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+function network_edit(ctx, argv) {
+	let network = argv[0];
+	if (!network) {
+		network = "unet";
+		if (!get_network_status()[network])
+			return ctx.invalid_argument('no valid network name provided');
+	}
+	let iface_data = uci.cursor().get_all("network", network);
+	for (let name in keys(iface_data))
+		if (substr(name, 0, 1) == ".")
+			delete iface_data[name];
+	let json_file = mkstemp();
+	if (system(`unet-tool -T -b /etc/unetd/${network}.bin >&${json_file.fileno()}`))
+		return;
+	let json_data;
+	try {
+		json_data = network_get_file_string(json_file);
+		json_data = json(json_data);
+	} catch (e) {
+		json_data = null;
+	}
+	if (!json_data)
+		return;
+	let netdata = {
+		json: json_data,
+		iface: iface_data,
+		changed: false,
+	};
+	json_data.hosts ??= {};
+	json_data.services ??= {};
+	ctx.add_hook("exit", network_edit_exit_hook);
+	return ctx.set('edit "' + network + '"', {
+		network, netdata,
+		object_edit: json_data,
+	});
+const network_args = [
+	{
+		name: "network",
+		help: "Network name",
+		type: "enum",
+		value: () => get_networks(),
+		required: true,
+	}
+const network_status_args = [
+	{
+		name: "network",
+		help: "Network name",
+		type: "enum",
+		value: () => keys(get_network_status())
+	}
+const network_sign_args = {
+	password: {
+		help: "Network configuration password",
+		no_complete: true,
+		args: {
+			type: "string",
+			min: 12,
+		}
+	},
+const network_config_args = editor.object_create_params(UnetConfigEdit);
+const network_create_args = {
+	...network_sign_args,
+	...network_config_args,
+	...network_local_args,
+	host: {
+		help: "local host name",
+		default: "main",
+		required: true,
+		args: {
+			type: "string",
+		}
+	},
+const network_invite_name_arg = [
+	{
+		name: "name",
+		help: "Name of the invited device",
+		type: "string",
+	}
+const network_enroll_args = {
+	"access-key": {
+		help: "Access key for allowing the device into the network",
+		args: {
+			type: "string",
+		}
+	},
+	timeout: {
+		help: "Timeout for invite",
+		required: true,
+		default: 120,
+		args: {
+			type: "int",
+		}
+	},
+const enroll_accept_arg = [{
+	name: "session_id",
+	help: "Session id of the network peer",
+	type: "string",
+	required: true,
+	type: "enum",
+	value: (ctx) => keys(ctx.data.enroll.peers),
+const network_join_args = {
+	...network_enroll_args,
+	...network_local_args,
+const network_invite_args = {
+	...network_enroll_args,
+	...network_sign_args,
+const host_editor = {
+	change_cb: function(ctx, argv) {
+		ctx.data.netdata.changed = true;
+	},
+	named_args: {
+		name: {
+			help: "Host name",
+			get: (ctx) => ctx.data.name,
+			set: (ctx, val) => {
+				let name = ctx.data.name;
+				let hosts = ctx.data.netdata.json.hosts;
+				hosts[val] = hosts[name];
+				delete hosts[name];
+				ctx.data.name = val;
+			},
+			change_only: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "string",
+			}
+		},
+		key: {
+			help: "Wireguard key",
+			required: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "string",
+			}
+		},
+		port: {
+			help: "Wireguard port",
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 1,
+				max: 65535,
+			}
+		},
+		"unet-port": {
+			help: "unet protocol port (0: wireguard only)",
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 0,
+				max: 65535,
+			}
+		},
+		endpoint: {
+			help: "Wireguard endpoint IP address",
+			args: {
+				type: "string",
+			}
+		},
+		ipaddr: {
+			help: "IP address",
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "ipv4",
+			}
+		},
+		subnet: {
+			help: "IP subnet",
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "cidr4",
+			}
+		},
+		gateway: {
+			help: "Other host to be used as gateway",
+			args: {
+				type: "enum",
+				value: function(ctx, argv) {
+					return filter(keys(ctx.data.netdata.json.hosts),
+					              (v) => v != ctx.data.name);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		group: {
+			help: "Host group membership",
+			attribute: "groups",
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "enum",
+				no_validate: true,
+				value: function(ctx) {
+					let groups = {};
+					for (let name, host in ctx.data.netdata.json.hosts)
+						for (let group in host.groups)
+							groups[group] = true;
+					return keys(groups);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+const UnetHostEdit = editor.new(host_editor);
+function is_vxlan_service(ctx, argv, named, spec)
+	let type = named.type;
+	if (ctx.data.edit)
+		type ??= ctx.data.edit.type;
+	return type == "vxlan";
+const service_editor = {
+	change_cb: function(ctx, argv) {
+		ctx.data.netdata.changed = true;
+	},
+	named_args: {
+		type: {
+			help: "Service type",
+			required: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "enum",
+				no_validate: true,
+				value: supported_service_types,
+			}
+		},
+		member: {
+			help: "Service member",
+			attribute: "members",
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "enum",
+				value: (ctx) => [ "@all", ...keys(ctx.data.netdata.json.hosts) ]
+			}
+		},
+		"vxlan-id": {
+			help: "VXLAN ID",
+			attribute: "id",
+			available: is_vxlan_service,
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 0,
+				max: (1 << 24) - 1,
+			}
+		},
+		"vxlan-port": {
+			help: "VXLAN port",
+			attribute: "port",
+			available: is_vxlan_service,
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 1,
+				max: 65535,
+			}
+		},
+		"vxlan-mtu": {
+			help: "VXLAN tunnel MTU",
+			attribute: "mtu",
+			available: is_vxlan_service,
+			args: {
+				type: "int",
+				min: 1280,
+				max: 9000,
+			}
+		},
+		"vxlan-forwarding-port": {
+			help: "Member allowed to receive broad-/multicast and unknown unicast",
+			attribute: "forward_ports",
+			available: is_vxlan_service,
+			multiple: true,
+			args: {
+				type: "enum",
+				value: (ctx) => keys(ctx.data.netdata.json.hosts)
+			}
+		},
+	}
+const UnetServiceEdit = editor.new(service_editor);
+const edit_create_destroy = {
+	change_cb: function(ctx, argv) {
+		ctx.data.netdata.changed = true;
+	},
+	types: {
+		host: {
+			node_name: "UnetHostEdit",
+			node: UnetHostEdit,
+			object: "hosts",
+		},
+		service: {
+			node_name: "UnetServiceEdit",
+			node: UnetServiceEdit,
+			object: "services",
+		},
+	},
+let UnetEdit = {
+	config: {
+		help: "Edit network global configuration",
+		select_node: "UnetConfigEdit",
+		select: function(ctx) {
+			return ctx.set("config", {
+				edit: ctx.data.object_edit.config,
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	iface: {
+		help: "Edit interface configuration",
+		select_node: "UnetIfaceEdit",
+		select: function(ctx) {
+			return ctx.set("iface", {
+				edit: ctx.data.netdata.iface,
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	accept: {
+		help: "Accept invited network peer",
+		args: enroll_accept_arg,
+		available: (ctx) => ctx.data.enroll && length(ctx.data.enroll.peers) > 0,
+		call: network_enroll_accept,
+	},
+	invite: {
+		help: "Invite another device to the network",
+		args: network_invite_name_arg,
+		named_args: network_invite_args,
+		call: network_invite,
+	},
+	cancel: {
+		help: "Cancel device invitation",
+		available: (ctx) => ctx.data.enroll,
+		call: function(ctx) {
+			__network_enroll_cancel(model, ctx);
+			return ctx.ok("Invitation cancelled");
+		}
+	},
+	dump: {
+		help: "Show network json data",
+		call: function(ctx) {
+			return ctx.json("Network data", ctx.data.netdata.json);
+		}
+	},
+	save: {
+		help: "Save network data to json file",
+		args: [
+			{
+				name: "file",
+				help: "Destination path",
+				type: "path",
+				required: true,
+				new_path: true,
+			},
+		],
+		call: function(ctx, argv) {
+			if (!writefile(argv[0], sprintf("%.J\n", ctx.data.netdata.json)))
+				return ctx.command_failed("Could not write to %s", argv[0]);
+			return ctx.ok("Configuration saved to "+argv[0]);
+		}
+	},
+	restore: {
+		help: "Restore network data from json file",
+		args: [
+			{
+				name: "file",
+				help: "Source path",
+				type: "path",
+				required: true,
+			},
+		],
+		call: function(ctx, argv) {
+			let config, data;
+			try {
+				data = json(readfile(argv[0]));
+				config = data.config;
+			} catch (e) {
+				return ctx.command_failed("Could not read JSON data from %s", argv[0]);
+			}
+			if (!config)
+				return ctx.command_failed("Invalid network json file");
+			let json = ctx.data.netdata.json;
+			let prev_config = {};
+			for (let field in [ "salt", "rounds", "id" ]) {
+				prev_config[field] = json.config[field];
+				delete config[field];
+			}
+			ctx.data.netdata.changed = true;
+			data.config = { ...prev_config, ...config };
+			ctx.data.netdata.json = data;
+			return ctx.ok("Configuration restored from "+argv[0]);
+		}
+	},
+	apply: {
+		help: "Apply changes",
+		named_args: network_sign_args,
+		call: function(ctx, argv, named) {
+			let netdata = ctx.data.netdata;
+			let changed = network_iface_save(ctx);
+			if (network_apply(ctx, argv, named))
+				changed = true;
+			if (!changed)
+				return ctx.ok("No changes");
+			return ctx.ok("Changes applied");
+		}
+	}
+editor.edit_create_destroy(edit_create_destroy, UnetEdit);
+const Unet = {
+	status: {
+		help: "Show unet network information",
+		args: network_status_args,
+		call: function(ctx, argv) {
+			let name = argv[0];
+			let status = get_network_status();
+			if (!status)
+				return ctx.command_failed();
+			if (!name)
+				return ctx.list("Networks", keys(status));
+			status = status[name];
+			if (!status)
+				return ctx.not_found();
+			let data = {};
+			for (let name, host in status.peers) {
+				let cur = [];
+				data[`Host '${name}'`] = cur;
+				push(cur, [ "State", host.connected ? "connected" : "disconnected" ]);
+				if (!host.connected)
+					continue;
+				if (host.endpoint)
+					push(cur, [ "IP address", host.endpoint ]);
+				push(cur, [ "Idle time", time_format(host.idle) ]);
+				push(cur, [ "Sent bytes", host.tx_bytes ]);
+				push(cur, [ "Received bytes", host.rx_bytes ]);
+				push(cur, [ "Last handshake", time_format(host.last_handshake_sec) + " ago" ]);
+			}
+			return ctx.multi_table("Status of network " + name, data);
+		}
+	},
+	join: {
+		help: "Join existing network",
+		named_args: network_join_args,
+		call: network_join,
+	},
+	accept: {
+		help: "Accept network peer",
+		args: enroll_accept_arg,
+		available: (ctx) => ctx.data.enroll && length(ctx.data.enroll.peers) > 0,
+		call: network_enroll_accept,
+	},
+	cancel: {
+		help: "Cancel join request",
+		available: (ctx) => ctx.data.enroll,
+		call: function(ctx) {
+			__network_enroll_cancel(model, ctx);
+			return ctx.ok("Join request cancelled");
+		},
+	},
+	create: {
+		help: "Create network",
+		named_args: network_create_args,
+		call: network_create,
+	},
+	delete: {
+		help: "Delete network",
+		args: network_args,
+		call: network_delete,
+	},
+	edit: {
+		help: "Edit network",
+		args: network_status_args,
+		no_subcommands: true,
+		select_node: "UnetEdit",
+		select: network_edit,
+	},
+const Root = {
+	unet: {
+		help: "unetd network management",
+		select_node: "Unet",
+	}
+model.add_nodes({ Root, Unet, UnetEdit, UnetConfigEdit, UnetIfaceEdit, UnetHostEdit, UnetServiceEdit });

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