[openwrt/openwrt] linux-firmware: rename packages for i915 firmware

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Fri Nov 15 10:03:25 PST 2024

robimarko pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch main:

commit ca00bafd7e05b3f77e38acac6add223ce46df585
Author: Joe Zheng <joe.zheng at intel.com>
AuthorDate: Fri Sep 20 05:57:34 2024 +0000

    linux-firmware: rename packages for i915 firmware
    Change the package name from intel-igpu-firmware-* to i915-firmware-*,
    the prefix "intel-igpu" is misleading, i915 firmware is not only for
    iGPU but also for dGPU now.
    Remove the redundant "intel" as i915 is already well known.
    More accurate file classification to handle following files correctly:
    The pattern in regex is "([[:alnum:]]+)_([[:alnum:]]+)(_[\w-.]+)?\.bin",
    where $1 is the platform, $2 is the firmware type (dmc, guc, huc, etc.),
    and the optional $3 which is revision or other suffix.
    Glob first to narrow down the target file set, and then split with "_"
    to extract the firmware type (remove the ".bin" in case there is no $3)
    Add package "i915-firmware" as a meta package to install all the i915
    firmwares, it is a balance between simplicity and optimization.
    * Installing all the available firmwares as a whole, can support all the
      platforms, not only the current one but also the future ones. The
      price to pay is the increased size.
    * If we want to minimize the storage, we can customize to install the
      necessary ones only, even for the target platform only (e.g. ADL) and
      skip the others. The price to pay is the time to tune.
    What I am going to do is:
    * Let drm-i915 driver depend on i915-firmware-dmc, which is small and
      can cover most of the old platforms
    * Let the user select i915-firmware to install all the i915 firmwares as
      a whole to cover the latest or future platforms
    Signed-off-by: Joe Zheng <joe.zheng at intel.com>
    Link: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/16276
    Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <robimarko at gmail.com>
 package/firmware/linux-firmware/intel.mk | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/package/firmware/linux-firmware/intel.mk b/package/firmware/linux-firmware/intel.mk
index 225b2aa862..4c9e04cd3d 100644
--- a/package/firmware/linux-firmware/intel.mk
+++ b/package/firmware/linux-firmware/intel.mk
@@ -216,29 +216,49 @@ define Package/e100-firmware/install
 $(eval $(call BuildPackage,e100-firmware))
-Package/intel-igpu-firmware-dmc = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel iGPU DMC Display MC firmware)
-define Package/intel-igpu-firmware-dmc/install
+i915_deps:=+i915-firmware-dmc +i915-firmware-guc +i915-firmware-huc +i915-firmware-gsc
+Package/i915-firmware = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel I915 firmware \(meta package\),$(i915_deps),LICENSE.i915)
+define Package/i915-firmware/install
+	true
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,i915-firmware))
+Package/i915-firmware-dmc = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel I915 DMC firmware,,LICENSE.i915)
+define Package/i915-firmware-dmc/install
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware/i915
-	$(CP) \
-		$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/i915/*_dmc_*.bin* \
-		$(1)/lib/firmware/i915/
+	for f in $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/i915/*_dmc*.bin; do                        \
+	  t=`echo $$$${f##*/} | cut -d_ -f2 | cut -d. -f1`;                  \
+	  if [ "$$$$t" = dmc ]; then $(CP) $$$$f $(1)/lib/firmware/i915/; fi \
+	done
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,intel-igpu-firmware-dmc))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,i915-firmware-dmc))
-Package/intel-igpu-firmware-guc = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel iGPU GUC Graphics MC firmware)
-define Package/intel-igpu-firmware-guc/install
+Package/i915-firmware-guc = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel I915 GUC firmware,,LICENSE.i915)
+define Package/i915-firmware-guc/install
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware/i915
-	$(CP) \
-		$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/i915/*_guc_*.bin* \
-		$(1)/lib/firmware/i915/
+	for f in $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/i915/*_guc*.bin; do                        \
+	  t=`echo $$$${f##*/} | cut -d_ -f2 | cut -d. -f1`;                  \
+	  if [ "$$$$t" = guc ]; then $(CP) $$$$f $(1)/lib/firmware/i915/; fi \
+	done
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,intel-igpu-firmware-guc))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,i915-firmware-guc))
-Package/intel-igpu-firmware-huc = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel iGPU HUC H.265 MC firmware)
-define Package/intel-igpu-firmware-huc/install
+Package/i915-firmware-huc = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel I915 HUC firmware,,LICENSE.i915)
+define Package/i915-firmware-huc/install
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware/i915
-	$(CP) \
-		$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/i915/*_huc_*.bin* \
-		$(1)/lib/firmware/i915/
+	for f in $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/i915/*_huc*.bin; do                        \
+	  t=`echo $$$${f##*/} | cut -d_ -f2 | cut -d. -f1`;                  \
+	  if [ "$$$$t" = huc ]; then $(CP) $$$$f $(1)/lib/firmware/i915/; fi \
+	done
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,i915-firmware-huc))
+Package/i915-firmware-gsc = $(call Package/firmware-default,Intel I915 GSC firmware,,LICENSE.i915)
+define Package/i915-firmware-gsc/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware/i915
+	for f in $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/i915/*_gsc*.bin; do                        \
+	  t=`echo $$$${f##*/} | cut -d_ -f2 | cut -d. -f1`;                  \
+	  if [ "$$$$t" = gsc ]; then $(CP) $$$$f $(1)/lib/firmware/i915/; fi \
+	done
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,intel-igpu-firmware-huc))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,i915-firmware-gsc))

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