[buildbot] phase1: use branch config in factory

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Mon May 15 08:39:17 PDT 2023

ynezz pushed a commit to buildbot.git, branch master:

commit cb7c9c21db0548eff6d6d92f899f23a7e9ade0bd
Author: Thibaut VARÈNE <hacks at slashdirt.org>
AuthorDate: Mon Oct 24 14:41:28 2022 +0200

    phase1: use branch config in factory
    Signed-off-by: Thibaut VARÈNE <hacks at slashdirt.org>
 phase1/master.cfg | 303 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 171 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phase1/master.cfg b/phase1/master.cfg
index 0b7c609..eed887b 100644
--- a/phase1/master.cfg
+++ b/phase1/master.cfg
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if not os.path.exists("twistd.pid"):
 ini = configparser.ConfigParser()
 ini.read(os.getenv("BUILDMASTER_CONFIG", "./config.ini"))
-if "general" not in ini or "phase1" not in ini or "rsync" not in ini:
+if "general" not in ini or "phase1" not in ini:
 	raise ValueError("Fix your configuration")
 inip1 = ini['phase1']
@@ -392,15 +392,24 @@ c['schedulers'].append(ForceScheduler(
 # only take place on one worker.
 def IsTaggingRequested(step):
-	val = step.getProperty("tag")
-	if val and re.match(r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:-rc[0-9]+)?$", val):
-		return True
-	else:
-		return False
+	tag = step.getProperty("tag")
+	return tag and re.match(r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:-rc[0-9]+)?$", tag)
 def IsNoMasterBuild(step):
 	return step.getProperty("branch") != "master"
+def IsUsignEnabled(step):
+	branch = step.getProperty("branch")
+	return branch and branches[branch].get("usign_key")
+def IsSignEnabled(step):
+	branch = step.getProperty("branch")
+	return IsUsignEnabled(step) or branch and branches[branch].get("gpg_key")
+def IsKmodArchiveEnabled(step):
+	branch = step.getProperty("branch")
+	return branch and branches[branch].get("kmod_archive")
 def GetBaseVersion(branch):
 	if re.match(r"^[^-]+-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$", branch):
 		return branch.split('-')[1]
@@ -418,6 +427,23 @@ def GetVersionPrefix(props):
 		return ""
+ at util.renderer
+def GetConfigSeed(props):
+	branch = props.getProperty("branch")
+	return branch and branches[branch].get("config_seed") or ""
+ at util.renderer
+def GetRsyncParams(props, srcorbin, urlorkey):
+	# srcorbin: 'bin' or 'src'; urlorkey: 'url' or 'key'
+	branch = props.getProperty("branch")
+	opt = srcorbin + "_" + urlorkey
+	return branch and branches[branch].get(opt)
+ at util.renderer
+def GetUsignKey(props):
+	branch = props.getProperty("branch")
+	return branch and branches[branch].get("usign_key")
 def GetNextBuild(builder, requests):
 	for r in requests:
 		if r.properties and r.properties.hasProperty("tag"):
@@ -487,8 +513,12 @@ def IsTargetSelected(target):
 	return CheckTargetProperty
-def UsignSec2Pub(seckey, comment="untrusted comment: secret key"):
+ at util.renderer
+def UsignSec2Pub(props):
+	branch = props.getProperty("branch")
+		comment = branches[branch].get("usign_comment") or "untrusted comment: secret key"
+		seckey = branches[branch].get("usign_key")
 		seckey = base64.b64decode(seckey)
 		return None
@@ -660,19 +690,18 @@ for target in targets:
 	# seed config
-	if config_seed is not None:
-		factory.addStep(StringDownload(
-			name = "dlconfigseed",
-			s = config_seed + '\n',
-			workerdest = ".config",
-			mode = 0o644
-		))
+	factory.addStep(StringDownload(
+		name = "dlconfigseed",
+		s = Interpolate("%(kw:seed)s\n", seed=GetConfigSeed),
+		workerdest = ".config",
+		mode = 0o644
+	))
 	# configure
 		name = "newconfig",
 		description = "Seeding .config",
-		command = "printf 'CONFIG_TARGET_%s=y\\nCONFIG_TARGET_%s_%s=y\\nCONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES=%s\\n' >> .config" %(ts[0], ts[0], ts[1], 'y' if usign_key is not None else 'n')
+		command = Interpolate("printf 'CONFIG_TARGET_%(kw:target)s=y\\nCONFIG_TARGET_%(kw:target)s_%(kw:subtarget)s=y\\nCONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES=%(kw:usign:#?|y|n)s\\n' >> .config", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], usign=GetUsignKey)
@@ -707,27 +736,29 @@ for target in targets:
 		command = ["sed", "-ne", '/^CONFIG_LIBC=/ { s!^CONFIG_LIBC="\\(.*\\)"!\\1!; s!^musl$!!; s!.\\+!-&!p }', ".config"]))
 	# install build key
-	if usign_key is not None:
-		factory.addStep(StringDownload(
-			name = "dlkeybuildpub",
-			s = UsignSec2Pub(usign_key, usign_comment),
-			workerdest = "key-build.pub",
-			mode = 0o600,
-		))
-		factory.addStep(StringDownload(
-			name = "dlkeybuild",
-			s = "# fake private key",
-			workerdest = "key-build",
-			mode = 0o600,
-		))
-		factory.addStep(StringDownload(
-			name = "dlkeybuilducert",
-			s = "# fake certificate",
-			workerdest = "key-build.ucert",
-			mode = 0o600,
-		))
+	factory.addStep(StringDownload(
+		name = "dlkeybuildpub",
+		s = Interpolate("%(kw:sec2pub)s", sec2pub=UsignSec2Pub),
+		workerdest = "key-build.pub",
+		mode = 0o600,
+		doStepIf = IsUsignEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(StringDownload(
+		name = "dlkeybuild",
+		s = "# fake private key",
+		workerdest = "key-build",
+		mode = 0o600,
+		doStepIf = IsUsignEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(StringDownload(
+		name = "dlkeybuilducert",
+		s = "# fake certificate",
+		workerdest = "key-build.ucert",
+		mode = 0o600,
+		doStepIf = IsUsignEnabled,
+	))
 	# prepare dl
@@ -859,75 +890,83 @@ for target in targets:
 		haltOnFailure = True
-	if enable_kmod_archive:
-		factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
-			name = "kmoddir",
-			description = "Creating kmod directory",
-			command=["mkdir", "-p", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])],
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
-		factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
-			name = "kmodprepare",
-			description = "Preparing kmod archive",
-			command=["rsync", "--include=/kmod-*.ipk", "--exclude=*", "-va",
-				Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/packages/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
-				Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])],
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
-		factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
-			name = "kmodindex",
-			description = "Indexing kmod archive",
-			command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "package/index", "V=s", "CONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES=",
-				Interpolate("PACKAGE_SUBDIRS=bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])],
-			env = MakeEnv(),
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
+	factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+		name = "kmoddir",
+		description = "Creating kmod directory",
+		command=["mkdir", "-p", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])],
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+		name = "kmodprepare",
+		description = "Preparing kmod archive",
+		command=["rsync", "--include=/kmod-*.ipk", "--exclude=*", "-va",
+			Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/packages/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
+			Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])],
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+		name = "kmodindex",
+		description = "Indexing kmod archive",
+		command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "package/index", "V=s", "CONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES=",
+			Interpolate("PACKAGE_SUBDIRS=bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])],
+		env = MakeEnv(),
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled,
+	))
 	# sign
-	if ini.has_option("gpg", "key") or usign_key is not None:
-		factory.addStep(MasterShellCommand(
-			name = "signprepare",
-			description = "Preparing temporary signing directory",
-			command = ["mkdir", "-p", "%s/signing" %(work_dir)],
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
-		factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
-			name = "signpack",
-			description = "Packing files to sign",
-			command = Interpolate("find bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/ bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name sha256sums -print0 -or -name Packages -print0 | xargs -0 tar -czf sign.tar.gz", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
-		factory.addStep(FileUpload(
-			workersrc = "sign.tar.gz",
-			masterdest = "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1]),
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
-		factory.addStep(MasterShellCommand(
-			name = "signfiles",
-			description = "Signing files",
-			command = ["%s/signall.sh" %(scripts_dir), "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1])],
-			env = { 'CONFIG_INI': os.getenv("BUILDMASTER_CONFIG", "./config.ini") },
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
-		factory.addStep(FileDownload(
-			name = "dlsigntargz",
-			mastersrc = "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1]),
-			workerdest = "sign.tar.gz",
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
-		factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
-			name = "signunpack",
-			description = "Unpacking signed files",
-			command = ["tar", "-xzf", "sign.tar.gz"],
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
+	factory.addStep(MasterShellCommand(
+		name = "signprepare",
+		description = "Preparing temporary signing directory",
+		command = ["mkdir", "-p", "%s/signing" %(work_dir)],
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsSignEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+		name = "signpack",
+		description = "Packing files to sign",
+		command = Interpolate("find bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/ bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name sha256sums -print0 -or -name Packages -print0 | xargs -0 tar -czf sign.tar.gz", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsSignEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(FileUpload(
+		workersrc = "sign.tar.gz",
+		masterdest = "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1]),
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsSignEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(MasterShellCommand(
+		name = "signfiles",
+		description = "Signing files",
+		command = ["%s/signall.sh" %(scripts_dir), "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1])],
+		env = { 'CONFIG_INI': os.getenv("BUILDMASTER_CONFIG", "./config.ini") },
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsSignEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(FileDownload(
+		name = "dlsigntargz",
+		mastersrc = "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1]),
+		workerdest = "sign.tar.gz",
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsSignEnabled,
+	))
+	factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+		name = "signunpack",
+		description = "Unpacking signed files",
+		command = ["tar", "-xzf", "sign.tar.gz"],
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsSignEnabled,
+	))
 	# upload
@@ -945,19 +984,19 @@ for target in targets:
 		haltOnFailure = True
-	if enable_kmod_archive:
-		factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
-			name = "kmoddirprepare",
-			description = "Preparing kmod archive upload directory",
-			command = ["mkdir", "-p", Interpolate("tmp/upload/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
-			haltOnFailure = True
-		))
+	factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+		name = "kmoddirprepare",
+		description = "Preparing kmod archive upload directory",
+		command = ["mkdir", "-p", Interpolate("tmp/upload/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled,
+	))
 		name = "dirupload",
 		description = "Uploading directory structure",
-		command = ["rsync", "-az"] + rsync_bin_defopts + ["tmp/upload/", "%s/" %(rsync_bin_url)],
-		env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_bin_key},
+		command = ["rsync", "-az"] + rsync_bin_defopts + ["tmp/upload/", Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"))],
+		env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) },
 		haltOnFailure = True,
 		logEnviron = False,
 		locks = NetLockUl,
@@ -967,8 +1006,8 @@ for target in targets:
 		name = "target-sha256sums",
 		description = "Fetching remote sha256sums for target",
-		command = ["rsync", "-z"] + rsync_bin_defopts + [Interpolate("%(kw:rsyncbinurl)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/sha256sums", rsyncbinurl=rsync_bin_url, target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix), "target-sha256sums"],
-		env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_bin_key},
+		command = ["rsync", "-z"] + rsync_bin_defopts + [Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/sha256sums", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix), "target-sha256sums"],
+		env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) },
 		logEnviron = False,
 		haltOnFailure = False,
 		flunkOnFailure = False,
@@ -1003,8 +1042,8 @@ for target in targets:
 		description = "Uploading target files",
 		command=["../rsync.sh", "--exclude=/kmods/", "--files-from=rsynclist", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1])] + rsync_bin_defopts +
 			["-a", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
-			Interpolate("%(kw:rsyncbinurl)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/", rsyncbinurl=rsync_bin_url, target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
-		env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_bin_key},
+			Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
+		env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) },
 		haltOnFailure = True,
 		logEnviron = False,
@@ -1015,25 +1054,25 @@ for target in targets:
 		description = "Pruning target files",
 		command=["../rsync.sh", "--exclude=/kmods/", "--delete", "--existing", "--ignore-existing", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1])] + rsync_bin_defopts +
 			["-a", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
-			Interpolate("%(kw:rsyncbinurl)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/", rsyncbinurl=rsync_bin_url, target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
-		env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_bin_key},
+			Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
+		env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) },
 		haltOnFailure = True,
 		logEnviron = False,
 		locks = NetLockUl,
-	if enable_kmod_archive:
-		factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
-			name = "kmodupload",
-			description = "Uploading kmod archive",
-			command=["../rsync.sh", "--delete", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1])] + rsync_bin_defopts +
-				["-a", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
-				Interpolate("%(kw:rsyncbinurl)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", rsyncbinurl=rsync_bin_url, target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
-			env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_bin_key},
-			haltOnFailure = True,
-			logEnviron = False,
-			locks = NetLockUl,
-		))
+	factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+		name = "kmodupload",
+		description = "Uploading kmod archive",
+		command=["../rsync.sh", "--delete", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1])] + rsync_bin_defopts +
+			["-a", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]),
+			Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
+		env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) },
+		haltOnFailure = True,
+		logEnviron = False,
+		locks = NetLockUl,
+		doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled,
+	))
 		name = "sourcelist",
@@ -1046,8 +1085,8 @@ for target in targets:
 		name = "sourceupload",
 		description = "Uploading source archives",
 		command=["../rsync.sh", "--files-from=sourcelist", "--size-only", "--delay-updates"] + rsync_src_defopts +
-			[Interpolate("--partial-dir=.~tmp~%(kw:target)s~%(kw:subtarget)s~%(prop:workername)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), "-a", "dl/", "%s/" %(rsync_src_url)],
-		env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_src_key},
+			[Interpolate("--partial-dir=.~tmp~%(kw:target)s~%(kw:subtarget)s~%(prop:workername)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), "-a", "dl/", Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("src", "url"))],
+		env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("src", "key")) },
 		haltOnFailure = True,
 		logEnviron = False,
 		locks = NetLockUl,

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