[buildbot] phase1: remove checkBuiltin deadcode

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Mon May 15 08:38:55 PDT 2023

ynezz pushed a commit to buildbot.git, branch master:

commit 6904fc5f2c92952fe12f30ccce83a96f84ba8c7a
Author: Thibaut VARÈNE <hacks at slashdirt.org>
AuthorDate: Wed Oct 19 19:57:18 2022 +0200

    phase1: remove checkBuiltin deadcode
    Signed-off-by: Thibaut VARÈNE <hacks at slashdirt.org>
 phase1/master.cfg | 55 -------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phase1/master.cfg b/phase1/master.cfg
index 16817d4..8c708d2 100644
--- a/phase1/master.cfg
+++ b/phase1/master.cfg
@@ -574,59 +574,6 @@ c['builders'] = []
 dlLock = locks.WorkerLock("worker_dl")
-checkBuiltin = re.sub('[\t\n ]+', ' ', """
-	checkBuiltin() {
-		local symbol op path file;
-		for file in $CHANGED_FILES; do
-			case "$file" in
-				package/*/*) : ;;
-				*) return 0 ;;
-			esac;
-		done;
-		while read symbol op path; do
-			case "$symbol" in package-*)
-				symbol="${symbol##*(}";
-				symbol="${symbol%)}";
-				for file in $CHANGED_FILES; do
-					case "$file" in "package/$path/"*)
-						grep -qsx "$symbol=y" .config && return 0
-					;; esac;
-				done;
-			esac;
-		done < tmp/.packagedeps;
-		return 1;
-	}
-class IfBuiltinShellCommand(ShellCommand):
-	def _quote(self, str):
-		if re.search("[^a-zA-Z0-9/_.-]", str):
-			return "'%s'" %(re.sub("'", "'\"'\"'", str))
-		return str
-	def setCommand(self, command):
-		if not isinstance(command, (str, unicode)):
-			command = ' '.join(map(self._quote, command))
-		self.command = [
-			'/bin/sh', '-c',
-			'%s; if checkBuiltin; then %s; else exit 0; fi' %(checkBuiltin, command)
-		]
-	def setupEnvironment(self, cmd):
-		workerEnv = self.workerEnvironment
-		if workerEnv is None:
-			workerEnv = { }
-		changedFiles = { }
-		for request in self.build.requests:
-			for source in request.sources:
-				for change in source.changes:
-					for file in change.files:
-						changedFiles[file] = True
-		fullSlaveEnv = workerEnv.copy()
-		fullSlaveEnv['CHANGED_FILES'] = ' '.join(changedFiles.keys())
-		cmd.args['env'] = fullSlaveEnv
 workerNames = [ ]
 for worker in c['workers']:
@@ -1015,7 +962,6 @@ for target in targets:
 		haltOnFailure = True
-	# factory.addStep(IfBuiltinShellCommand(
 		name = "pkginstall",
 		description = "Installing packages",
@@ -1032,7 +978,6 @@ for target in targets:
 		haltOnFailure = True
-	#factory.addStep(IfBuiltinShellCommand(
 		name = "images",
 		description = "Building and installing images",

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