[openwrt/openwrt] kernel: fix KernelPackage when all KCONFIG are versioned

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Tue Jul 4 10:31:15 PDT 2023

hauke pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch master:

commit b3448b3fdb59d25dce05991dc8f322c1020b090b
Author: John Thomson <git at johnthomson.fastmail.com.au>
AuthorDate: Sat Jul 1 10:23:35 2023 +1000

    kernel: fix KernelPackage when all KCONFIG are versioned
    If a kernel package was defined where all KCONFIG symbols were dynamic,
    and versioned, no FILES would be installed, as the foreach evaluation was
    providing the value of the variable defined by the KCONFIG symbol name
    including the version test
    Fix this by calling the version_filter function on the list of KCONFIG
    variable names run through by foreach
    Example, kernel 6.1:
    KCONFIG:=CONFIG_OLD at lt6.1 CONFIG_NEW at ge6.1
    filter-out any KCONFIG settings forced by package:
    CONFIG_OLD at lt6.1 CONFIG_NEW at ge6.1
    there are dynamic settings, so for each of them,
    get the value of the make variable defined by symbol name:
        CONFIG_OLD at lt6.1 is not set
        CONFIG_NEW at ge6.1 is not set
        CONFIG_OLD is not set
    test if any of these are m, or y
    if yes, install files, otherwise, nothing to install
    Signed-off-by: John Thomson <git at johnthomson.fastmail.com.au>
 include/kernel.mk | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/include/kernel.mk b/include/kernel.mk
index b1ae42534d..3012eb8993 100644
--- a/include/kernel.mk
+++ b/include/kernel.mk
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/config)
   $(call KernelPackage/depends)
   $(call KernelPackage/hooks)
-  ifneq ($(if $(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$(filter m y,$(foreach c,$(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$($(c)))),.),)
+  ifneq ($(if $(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$(filter m y,$(foreach c,$(call version_filter,$(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG))),$($(c)))),.),)
     define Package/kmod-$(1)/install
 		  @for mod in $$(call version_filter,$$(FILES)); do \
 			if grep -q "$$$$$$$${mod##$(LINUX_DIR)/}" "$(LINUX_DIR)/modules.builtin"; then \

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