[openwrt/openwrt] openssl: fix CVE-2023-464 and CVE-2023-465

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Mon Apr 17 10:10:31 PDT 2023

ansuel pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch openwrt-22.03:

commit b6cbab1ad782b8c46c677e3dac6f80ed7842e7d2
Author: Eneas U de Queiroz <cotequeiroz at gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Tue Apr 4 15:39:56 2023 -0300

    openssl: fix CVE-2023-464 and CVE-2023-465
    Apply two patches fixing low-severity vulnerabilities related to
    certificate policies validation:
    - Excessive Resource Usage Verifying X.509 Policy Constraints
      Severity: Low
      A security vulnerability has been identified in all supported versions
      of OpenSSL related to the verification of X.509 certificate chains
      that include policy constraints.  Attackers may be able to exploit
      this vulnerability by creating a malicious certificate chain that
      triggers exponential use of computational resources, leading to a
      denial-of-service (DoS) attack on affected systems.
      Policy processing is disabled by default but can be enabled by passing
      the `-policy' argument to the command line utilities or by calling the
      `X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_policies()' function.
    - Invalid certificate policies in leaf certificates are silently ignored
      Severity: Low
      Applications that use a non-default option when verifying certificates
      may be vulnerable to an attack from a malicious CA to circumvent
      certain checks.
      Invalid certificate policies in leaf certificates are silently ignored
      by OpenSSL and other certificate policy checks are skipped for that
      certificate.  A malicious CA could use this to deliberately assert
      invalid certificate policies in order to circumvent policy checking on
      the certificate altogether.
      Policy processing is disabled by default but can be enabled by passing
      the `-policy' argument to the command line utilities or by calling the
      `X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_policies()' function.
    Note: OpenSSL also released a fix for low-severity security advisory
    CVE-2023-466.  It is not included here because the fix only changes the
    documentation, which is not built nor included in any OpenWrt package.
    Due to the low-severity of these issues, there will be not be an
    immediate new release of OpenSSL.
    Signed-off-by: Eneas U de Queiroz <cotequeiroz at gmail.com>
 package/libs/openssl/Makefile                      |   2 +-
 ...ive-resource-use-verifying-policy-constra.patch | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ...-EXFLAG_INVALID_POLICY-is-checked-even-in.patch |  48 +++++
 3 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/package/libs/openssl/Makefile b/package/libs/openssl/Makefile
index 3b287b3be6..205aabad20 100644
--- a/package/libs/openssl/Makefile
+++ b/package/libs/openssl/Makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ PKG_NAME:=openssl
diff --git a/package/libs/openssl/patches/200-x509-excessive-resource-use-verifying-policy-constra.patch b/package/libs/openssl/patches/200-x509-excessive-resource-use-verifying-policy-constra.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3a4de6008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/libs/openssl/patches/200-x509-excessive-resource-use-verifying-policy-constra.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+From 879f7080d7e141f415c79eaa3a8ac4a3dad0348b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pauli <pauli at openssl.org>
+Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 15:28:20 +1100
+Subject: [PATCH] x509: excessive resource use verifying policy constraints
+A security vulnerability has been identified in all supported versions
+of OpenSSL related to the verification of X.509 certificate chains
+that include policy constraints.  Attackers may be able to exploit this
+vulnerability by creating a malicious certificate chain that triggers
+exponential use of computational resources, leading to a denial-of-service
+(DoS) attack on affected systems.
+Fixes CVE-2023-0464
+Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
+Reviewed-by: Shane Lontis <shane.lontis at oracle.com>
+(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/20569)
+diff --git a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_local.h b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_local.h
+index 5daf78de45..344aa06765 100644
+--- a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_local.h
++++ b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_local.h
+@@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ struct X509_POLICY_LEVEL_st {
+ };
+ struct X509_POLICY_TREE_st {
++    /* The number of nodes in the tree */
++    size_t node_count;
++    /* The maximum number of nodes in the tree */
++    size_t node_maximum;
+     /* This is the tree 'level' data */
+     X509_POLICY_LEVEL *levels;
+     int nlevel;
+@@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *tree_find_sk(STACK_OF(X509_POLICY_NODE) *sk,
+ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
+                                  X509_POLICY_DATA *data,
+                                  X509_POLICY_NODE *parent,
+-                                 X509_POLICY_TREE *tree);
++                                 X509_POLICY_TREE *tree,
++                                 int extra_data);
+ void policy_node_free(X509_POLICY_NODE *node);
+ int policy_node_match(const X509_POLICY_LEVEL *lvl,
+                       const X509_POLICY_NODE *node, const ASN1_OBJECT *oid);
+diff --git a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c
+index e2d7b15322..d574fb9d66 100644
+--- a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c
++++ b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c
+@@ -59,10 +59,15 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_find_node(const X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
+ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
+                                  X509_POLICY_DATA *data,
+                                  X509_POLICY_NODE *parent,
+-                                 X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
++                                 X509_POLICY_TREE *tree,
++                                 int extra_data)
+ {
+     X509_POLICY_NODE *node;
++    /* Verify that the tree isn't too large.  This mitigates CVE-2023-0464 */
++    if (tree->node_maximum > 0 && tree->node_count >= tree->node_maximum)
++        return NULL;
+     node = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*node));
+     if (node == NULL) {
+@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
+     }
+     node->data = data;
+     node->parent = parent;
+-    if (level) {
++    if (level != NULL) {
+         if (OBJ_obj2nid(data->valid_policy) == NID_any_policy) {
+             if (level->anyPolicy)
+                 goto node_error;
+@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
+         }
+     }
+-    if (tree) {
++    if (extra_data) {
+         if (tree->extra_data == NULL)
+             tree->extra_data = sk_X509_POLICY_DATA_new_null();
+         if (tree->extra_data == NULL){
+@@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
+         }
+     }
++    tree->node_count++;
+     if (parent)
+         parent->nchild++;
+diff --git a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c
+index 6e8322cbc5..6c7fd35405 100644
+--- a/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c
++++ b/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c
+@@ -13,6 +13,18 @@
+ #include "pcy_local.h"
++ * If the maximum number of nodes in the policy tree isn't defined, set it to
++ * a generous default of 1000 nodes.
++ *
++ * Defining this to be zero means unlimited policy tree growth which opens the
++ * door on CVE-2023-0464.
++ */
+ /*
+  * Enable this to print out the complete policy tree at various point during
+  * evaluation.
+@@ -168,6 +180,9 @@ static int tree_init(X509_POLICY_TREE **ptree, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
+         return X509_PCY_TREE_INTERNAL;
+     }
++    /* Limit the growth of the tree to mitigate CVE-2023-0464 */
++    tree->node_maximum = OPENSSL_POLICY_TREE_NODES_MAX;
+     /*
+      * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-6.1.2, figure 3.
+      *
+@@ -184,7 +199,7 @@ static int tree_init(X509_POLICY_TREE **ptree, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
+     level = tree->levels;
+     if ((data = policy_data_new(NULL, OBJ_nid2obj(NID_any_policy), 0)) == NULL)
+         goto bad_tree;
+-    if (level_add_node(level, data, NULL, tree) == NULL) {
++    if (level_add_node(level, data, NULL, tree, 1) == NULL) {
+         policy_data_free(data);
+         goto bad_tree;
+     }
+@@ -243,7 +258,8 @@ static int tree_init(X509_POLICY_TREE **ptree, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
+  * Return value: 1 on success, 0 otherwise
+  */
+ static int tree_link_matching_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
+-                                    X509_POLICY_DATA *data)
++                                    X509_POLICY_DATA *data,
++                                    X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
+ {
+     X509_POLICY_LEVEL *last = curr - 1;
+     int i, matched = 0;
+@@ -253,13 +269,13 @@ static int tree_link_matching_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
+         X509_POLICY_NODE *node = sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_value(last->nodes, i);
+         if (policy_node_match(last, node, data->valid_policy)) {
+-            if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, NULL) == NULL)
++            if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, tree, 0) == NULL)
+                 return 0;
+             matched = 1;
+         }
+     }
+     if (!matched && last->anyPolicy) {
+-        if (level_add_node(curr, data, last->anyPolicy, NULL) == NULL)
++        if (level_add_node(curr, data, last->anyPolicy, tree, 0) == NULL)
+             return 0;
+     }
+     return 1;
+@@ -272,7 +288,8 @@ static int tree_link_matching_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
+  * Return value: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
+  */
+ static int tree_link_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
+-                           const X509_POLICY_CACHE *cache)
++                           const X509_POLICY_CACHE *cache,
++                           X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
+ {
+     int i;
+@@ -280,7 +297,7 @@ static int tree_link_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
+         X509_POLICY_DATA *data = sk_X509_POLICY_DATA_value(cache->data, i);
+         /* Look for matching nodes in previous level */
+-        if (!tree_link_matching_nodes(curr, data))
++        if (!tree_link_matching_nodes(curr, data, tree))
+             return 0;
+     }
+     return 1;
+@@ -311,7 +328,7 @@ static int tree_add_unmatched(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
+     /* Curr may not have anyPolicy */
+     data->qualifier_set = cache->anyPolicy->qualifier_set;
+-    if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, tree) == NULL) {
++    if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, tree, 1) == NULL) {
+         policy_data_free(data);
+         return 0;
+     }
+@@ -373,7 +390,7 @@ static int tree_link_any(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
+     }
+     /* Finally add link to anyPolicy */
+     if (last->anyPolicy &&
+-        level_add_node(curr, cache->anyPolicy, last->anyPolicy, NULL) == NULL)
++        level_add_node(curr, cache->anyPolicy, last->anyPolicy, tree, 0) == NULL)
+         return 0;
+     return 1;
+ }
+@@ -555,7 +572,7 @@ static int tree_calculate_user_set(X509_POLICY_TREE *tree,
+             extra->qualifier_set = anyPolicy->data->qualifier_set;
+             extra->flags = POLICY_DATA_FLAG_SHARED_QUALIFIERS
+                 | POLICY_DATA_FLAG_EXTRA_NODE;
+-            node = level_add_node(NULL, extra, anyPolicy->parent, tree);
++            node = level_add_node(NULL, extra, anyPolicy->parent, tree, 1);
+         }
+         if (!tree->user_policies) {
+             tree->user_policies = sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_new_null();
+@@ -582,7 +599,7 @@ static int tree_evaluate(X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
+     for (i = 1; i < tree->nlevel; i++, curr++) {
+         cache = policy_cache_set(curr->cert);
+-        if (!tree_link_nodes(curr, cache))
++        if (!tree_link_nodes(curr, cache, tree))
+             return X509_PCY_TREE_INTERNAL;
+         if (!(curr->flags & X509_V_FLAG_INHIBIT_ANY)
diff --git a/package/libs/openssl/patches/210-Ensure-that-EXFLAG_INVALID_POLICY-is-checked-even-in.patch b/package/libs/openssl/patches/210-Ensure-that-EXFLAG_INVALID_POLICY-is-checked-even-in.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffb7317d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/libs/openssl/patches/210-Ensure-that-EXFLAG_INVALID_POLICY-is-checked-even-in.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From b013765abfa80036dc779dd0e50602c57bb3bf95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Matt Caswell <matt at openssl.org>
+Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 16:52:55 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Ensure that EXFLAG_INVALID_POLICY is checked even in leaf
+ certs
+Even though we check the leaf cert to confirm it is valid, we
+later ignored the invalid flag and did not notice that the leaf
+cert was bad.
+Fixes: CVE-2023-0465
+Reviewed-by: Hugo Landau <hlandau at openssl.org>
+Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
+(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/20588)
+diff --git a/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c b/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
+index 925fbb5412..1dfe4f9f31 100644
+--- a/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
++++ b/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
+@@ -1649,18 +1649,25 @@ static int check_policy(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
+     }
+     /* Invalid or inconsistent extensions */
+     if (ret == X509_PCY_TREE_INVALID) {
+-        int i;
++        int i, cbcalled = 0;
+         /* Locate certificates with bad extensions and notify callback. */
+-        for (i = 1; i < sk_X509_num(ctx->chain); i++) {
++        for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(ctx->chain); i++) {
+             X509 *x = sk_X509_value(ctx->chain, i);
+             if (!(x->ex_flags & EXFLAG_INVALID_POLICY))
+                 continue;
++            cbcalled = 1;
+             if (!verify_cb_cert(ctx, x, i,
+                                 X509_V_ERR_INVALID_POLICY_EXTENSION))
+                 return 0;
+         }
++        if (!cbcalled) {
++            /* Should not be able to get here */
++            X509err(X509_F_CHECK_POLICY, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);
++            return 0;
++        }
++        /* The callback ignored the error so we return success */
+         return 1;
+     }
+     if (ret == X509_PCY_TREE_FAILURE) {

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