[openwrt/openwrt] libnetfilter-cthelper: remove

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Sat Nov 28 08:50:06 EST 2020

adrian pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch master:

commit c7778acf10c9b7c180903d78ea122c2924eae299
Author: Rosen Penev <rosenp at gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 27 23:11:06 2020 -0800

    libnetfilter-cthelper: remove
    conntrack was moved to packages where this is used. This will be moved
    there as well.
    Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <rosenp at gmail.com>
 package/libs/libnetfilter-cthelper/Makefile | 72 -----------------------------
 1 file changed, 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/package/libs/libnetfilter-cthelper/Makefile b/package/libs/libnetfilter-cthelper/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a28f186aa..0000000000
--- a/package/libs/libnetfilter-cthelper/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-	http://www.netfilter.org/projects/libnetfilter_cthelper/files/ \
-	ftp://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/libnetfilter_cthelper/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Package/libnetfilter-cthelper
-  SECTION:=libs
-  CATEGORY:=Libraries
-  DEPENDS:=+libmnl
-  TITLE:=API to the in-kernel connection tracking helper infrastructure
-  URL:=http://www.netfilter.org/projects/libnetfilter_cthelper/
-define Package/libnetfilter-cthelper/description
- libnetfilter_cthelper is a userspace library providing a programming
- interface (API) to the in-kernel connection tracking helpers. 
- This library is currently used by conntrack-tools.
-	--enable-static \
-	--enable-shared \
-define Build/InstallDev
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include/libnetfilter_cthelper
-	$(CP) \
-		$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/include/libnetfilter_cthelper/*.h \
-		$(1)/usr/include/libnetfilter_cthelper/
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
-	$(CP) \
-		$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libnetfilter_cthelper.{so*,a,la} \
-		$(1)/usr/lib/
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig
-	$(CP) \
-		$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libnetfilter_cthelper.pc \
-		$(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
-define Package/libnetfilter-cthelper/install
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
-	$(CP) \
-		$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libnetfilter_cthelper.so.* \
-		$(1)/usr/lib/
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,libnetfilter-cthelper))

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