[openwrt/openwrt] ath79: sysupgrade: drop unused platform checks

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Wed May 16 22:47:14 PDT 2018

mkresin pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch master:

commit 3e9d9f62258f80298710441e0db557e59e152dcf
Author: Mathias Kresin <dev at kresin.me>
AuthorDate: Mon May 7 20:55:20 2018 +0200

    ath79: sysupgrade: drop unused platform checks
    None of these checks are used at the moment and most of them aren't
    required if the image metadata validation is used.
    Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <dev at kresin.me>
 .../linux/ath79/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh | 171 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 171 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh b/target/linux/ath79/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
index 88c0941..60cc6a4 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2011 OpenWrt.org
-. /lib/functions/system.sh
@@ -12,175 +10,6 @@ CI_LDADR=0x80060000
-platform_find_partitions() {
-	local first dev size erasesize name
-	while read dev size erasesize name; do
-		name=${name#'"'}; name=${name%'"'}
-		case "$name" in
-			vmlinux.bin.l7|vmlinux|kernel|linux|linux.bin|rootfs|filesystem)
-				if [ -z "$first" ]; then
-					first="$name"
-				else
-					echo "$erasesize:$first:$name"
-					break
-				fi
-			;;
-		esac
-	done < /proc/mtd
-platform_find_kernelpart() {
-	local part
-	for part in "${1%:*}" "${1#*:}"; do
-		case "$part" in
-			vmlinux.bin.l7|vmlinux|kernel|linux|linux.bin)
-				echo "$part"
-				break
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-platform_find_rootfspart() {
-	local part
-	for part in "${1%:*}" "${1#*:}"; do
-		[ "$part" != "$2" ] && echo "$part" && break
-	done
-platform_do_upgrade_combined() {
-	local partitions=$(platform_find_partitions)
-	local kernelpart=$(platform_find_kernelpart "${partitions#*:}")
-	local erase_size=$((0x${partitions%%:*})); partitions="${partitions#*:}"
-	local kern_length=0x$(dd if="$1" bs=2 skip=1 count=4 2>/dev/null)
-	local kern_blocks=$(($kern_length / $CI_BLKSZ))
-	local root_blocks=$((0x$(dd if="$1" bs=2 skip=5 count=4 2>/dev/null) / $CI_BLKSZ))
-	if [ -n "$partitions" ] && [ -n "$kernelpart" ] && \
-	   [ ${kern_blocks:-0} -gt 0 ] && \
-	   [ ${root_blocks:-0} -gt 0 ] && \
-	   [ ${erase_size:-0} -gt 0 ];
-	then
-		local rootfspart=$(platform_find_rootfspart "$partitions" "$kernelpart")
-		local append=""
-		[ -f "$CONF_TAR" -a "$SAVE_CONFIG" -eq 1 ] && append="-j $CONF_TAR"
-		    ( dd if="$1" bs=$CI_BLKSZ skip=1 count=$kern_blocks 2>/dev/null; \
-		      dd if="$1" bs=$CI_BLKSZ skip=$((1+$kern_blocks)) count=$root_blocks 2>/dev/null ) | \
-			    mtd -r $append -F$kernelpart:$kern_length:$CI_LDADR,rootfs write - $partitions
-		elif [ -n "$rootfspart" ]; then
-		    dd if="$1" bs=$CI_BLKSZ skip=1 count=$kern_blocks 2>/dev/null | \
-			    mtd write - $kernelpart
-		    dd if="$1" bs=$CI_BLKSZ skip=$((1+$kern_blocks)) count=$root_blocks 2>/dev/null | \
-			    mtd -r $append write - $rootfspart
-		fi
-	fi
-tplink_get_image_hwid() {
-	get_image "$@" | dd bs=4 count=1 skip=16 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"'
-tplink_get_image_mid() {
-	get_image "$@" | dd bs=4 count=1 skip=17 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"'
-tplink_get_image_boot_size() {
-	get_image "$@" | dd bs=4 count=1 skip=37 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"'
-tplink_pharos_check_image() {
-	local magic_long="$(get_magic_long "$1")"
-	[ "$magic_long" != "7f454c46" ] && {
-		echo "Invalid image magic '$magic_long'"
-		return 1
-	}
-	local model_string="$(tplink_pharos_get_model_string)"
-	local line
-	# Here $1 is given to dd directly instead of get_image as otherwise the skip
-	# will take almost a second (as dd can't seek then)
-	#
-	# This will fail if the image isn't local, but that's fine: as the
-	# read loop won't be executed at all, it will return true, so the image
-	# is accepted (loading the first 1.5M of a remote image for this check seems
-	# a bit extreme)
-	dd if="$1" bs=1 skip=1511432 count=1024 2>/dev/null | while read line; do
-		[ "$line" = "$model_string" ] && break
-	done || {
-		echo "Unsupported image (model not in support-list)"
-		return 1
-	}
-	return 0
-seama_get_type_magic() {
-	get_image "$@" | dd bs=1 count=4 skip=53 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"'
-wrgg_get_image_magic() {
-	get_image "$@" | dd bs=4 count=1 skip=8 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"'
-cybertan_get_image_magic() {
-	get_image "$@" | dd bs=8 count=1 skip=0  2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 8 -e '1/1 "%02x"'
-cybertan_check_image() {
-	local magic="$(cybertan_get_image_magic "$1")"
-	local fw_magic="$(cybertan_get_hw_magic)"
-	[ "$fw_magic" != "$magic" ] && {
-		echo "Invalid image, ID mismatch, got:$magic, but need:$fw_magic"
-		return 1
-	}
-	return 0
-platform_do_upgrade_compex() {
-	local fw_file=$1
-	local fw_part=$PART_NAME
-	local fw_mtd=$(find_mtd_part $fw_part)
-	local fw_length=0x$(dd if="$fw_file" bs=2 skip=1 count=4 2>/dev/null)
-	local fw_blocks=$(($fw_length / 65536))
-	if [ -n "$fw_mtd" ] &&  [ ${fw_blocks:-0} -gt 0 ]; then
-		local append=""
-		[ -f "$CONF_TAR" -a "$SAVE_CONFIG" -eq 1 ] && append="-j $CONF_TAR"
-		sync
-		dd if="$fw_file" bs=64k skip=1 count=$fw_blocks 2>/dev/null | \
-			mtd $append write - "$fw_part"
-	fi
-alfa_check_image() {
-	local magic_long="$(get_magic_long "$1")"
-	local fw_part_size=$(mtd_get_part_size firmware)
-	case "$magic_long" in
-	"27051956")
-		[ "$fw_part_size" != "16318464" ] && {
-			echo "Invalid image magic \"$magic_long\" for $fw_part_size bytes"
-			return 1
-		}
-		;;
-	"68737173")
-		[ "$fw_part_size" != "7929856" ] && {
-			echo "Invalid image magic \"$magic_long\" for $fw_part_size bytes"
-			return 1
-		}
-		;;
-	esac
-	return 0
 platform_check_image() {
 	local board=$(board_name)
 	local magic="$(get_magic_word "$1")"

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