[source] vxlan: add new package for netifd VXLAN proto

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Thu Mar 9 16:39:10 PST 2017

neoraider pushed a commit to source.git, branch master:

commit 452f5446b88c15827300fa97ddfc784cc9fab12c
Author: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer at universe-factory.net>
AuthorDate: Fri Mar 10 01:23:50 2017 +0100

    vxlan: add new package for netifd VXLAN proto
    Signed-off-by: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer at universe-factory.net>
 package/network/config/vxlan/Makefile       |  32 ++++++
 package/network/config/vxlan/files/vxlan.sh | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 180 insertions(+)

diff --git a/package/network/config/vxlan/Makefile b/package/network/config/vxlan/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a471d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/vxlan/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/vxlan
+  SECTION:=net
+  CATEGORY:=Network
+  MAINTAINER:=Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer at universe-factory.net>
+  TITLE:=Virtual eXtensible LAN config support
+  DEPENDS:=+kmod-vxlan
+define Package/vxlan/description
+ Virtual eXtensible LAN config support in /etc/config/network.
+define Build/Compile
+define Build/Configure
+define Package/vxlan/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/netifd/proto
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/vxlan.sh $(1)/lib/netifd/proto/vxlan.sh
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,vxlan))
diff --git a/package/network/config/vxlan/files/vxlan.sh b/package/network/config/vxlan/files/vxlan.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..27ccd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/vxlan/files/vxlan.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
+	. /lib/functions.sh
+	. /lib/functions/network.sh
+	. ../netifd-proto.sh
+	init_proto "$@"
+vxlan_generic_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local mode="$2"
+	local local="$3"
+	local remote="$4"
+	local link="$cfg"
+	local port vid ttl tos mtu macaddr zone
+	json_get_vars port vid ttl tos mtu macaddr zone
+	proto_init_update "$link" 1
+	proto_add_tunnel
+	json_add_string mode "$mode"
+	[ -n "$tunlink" ] && json_add_string link "$tunlink"
+	[ -n "$local" ] && json_add_string local "$local"
+	[ -n "$remote" ] && json_add_string remote "$remote"
+	[ -n "$ttl" ] && json_add_int ttl "$ttl"
+	[ -n "$tos" ] && json_add_string tos "$tos"
+	[ -n "$mtu" ] && json_add_int mtu "$mtu"
+	json_add_object 'data'
+	[ -n "$port" ] && json_add_int port "$port"
+	[ -n "$vid" ] && json_add_int id "$vid"
+	[ -n "$macaddr" ] && json_add_string macaddr "$macaddr"
+	json_close_object
+	proto_close_tunnel
+	proto_add_data
+	[ -n "$zone" ] && json_add_string zone "$zone"
+	proto_close_data
+	proto_send_update "$cfg"
+proto_vxlan_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local ipaddr peeraddr
+	json_get_vars ipaddr peeraddr tunlink
+	[ -z "$peeraddr" ] && {
+		proto_notify_error "$cfg" "MISSING_ADDRESS"
+		proto_block_restart "$cfg"
+		exit
+	}
+	( proto_add_host_dependency "$cfg" '' "$tunlink" )
+	[ -z "$ipaddr" ] && {
+		local wanif="$tunlink"
+		if [ -z "$wanif" ] && ! network_find_wan wanif; then
+			proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+			exit
+		fi
+		if ! network_get_ipaddr ipaddr "$wanif"; then
+			proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+			exit
+		fi
+	}
+	vxlan_generic_setup "$cfg" 'vxlan' "$ipaddr" "$peeraddr"
+proto_vxlan6_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local ip6addr peer6addr
+	json_get_vars ip6addr peer6addr tunlink
+	[ -z "$peer6addr" ] && {
+		proto_notify_error "$cfg" "MISSING_ADDRESS"
+		proto_block_restart "$cfg"
+		exit
+	}
+	( proto_add_host_dependency "$cfg" '' "$tunlink" )
+	[ -z "$ip6addr" ] && {
+		local wanif="$tunlink"
+		if [ -z "$wanif" ] && ! network_find_wan6 wanif; then
+			proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+			exit
+		fi
+		if ! network_get_ipaddr6 ip6addr "$wanif"; then
+			proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+			exit
+		fi
+	}
+	vxlan_generic_setup "$cfg" 'vxlan6' "$ip6addr" "$peer6addr"
+proto_vxlan_teardown() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+proto_vxlan6_teardown() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+vxlan_generic_init_config() {
+	no_device=1
+	available=1
+	proto_config_add_string "tunlink"
+	proto_config_add_string "zone"
+	proto_config_add_int "vid"
+	proto_config_add_int "port"
+	proto_config_add_int "ttl"
+	proto_config_add_int "tos"
+	proto_config_add_int "mtu"
+	proto_config_add_string "macaddr"
+proto_vxlan_init_config() {
+	vxlan_generic_init_config
+	proto_config_add_string "ipaddr"
+	proto_config_add_string "peeraddr"
+proto_vxlan6_init_config() {
+	vxlan_generic_init_config
+	proto_config_add_string "ip6addr"
+	proto_config_add_string "peer6addr"
+[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
+	add_protocol vxlan
+	add_protocol vxlan6

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