[buildbot] phase1: add helper scripts for creating branches and tags

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Mon Nov 28 11:26:00 PST 2016

jow pushed a commit to buildbot.git, branch master:

commit 13ae49f20e554bee97c0d7b0f866f45dd4173b42
Author: Jo-Philipp Wich <jo at mein.io>
AuthorDate: Mon Nov 28 19:35:40 2016 +0100

    phase1: add helper scripts for creating branches and tags
    These scripts will be used to prepare release branches and repository tags.
    Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <jo at mein.io>
 phase1/makebranch.sh | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 phase1/maketag.sh    | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 305 insertions(+)

diff --git a/phase1/makebranch.sh b/phase1/makebranch.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..016f3a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phase1/makebranch.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+git_author="Release System"
+git_email="lede-dev at lists.infradead.org"
+[ -f "./feeds.conf.default" ] || {
+	echo "Please execute as ./${0##*/}" >&2
+	exit 1
+usage() {
+	{
+		echo ""
+		echo "Usage: $0 [-i] [-a <Git author>] [-e <Git email>] \\"
+		echo "          [-u <Download base url>] -n <codename> -v <version>"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-i"
+		echo "Exit successfully if branch already exists"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-a Git author [$git_author]"
+		echo "Override the author name used for automated Git commits"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-e Git email [$git_email]"
+		echo "Override the email used for automated Git commits"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-u Download base url [$base_url]"
+		echo "Use the given URL as base for download repositories"
+		echo ""
+		exit 1
+	} >&2
+while getopts "a:e:iu:n:v:" opt; do
+	case "$opt" in
+		a) git_author="$OPTARG" ;;
+		e) git_email="$OPTARG" ;;
+		i) ignore_existing=1 ;;
+		u) base_url="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
+		n) codename="$OPTARG" ;;
+		v)
+			case "$OPTARG" in
+				[0-9]*.[0-9]*)
+					version="$(echo "$OPTARG" | cut -d. -f1-2)"
+				;;
+				*)
+					echo "Unexpected version format: $OPTARG" >&2
+					exit 1
+				;;
+			esac
+		;;
+		\?)
+			echo "Unexpected option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+			usage
+		;;
+		:)
+			echo "Missing argument for option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+			usage
+		;;
+	esac
+[ -n "$codename" -a -n "$version" ] || usage
+if git rev-parse "lede-${version}^{tree}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+	if [ -z "$ignore_existing" ]; then
+		echo "Branch lede-${version} already exists!" >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	exit 0
+githash="$(git log --format=%h -1)"
+prev_branch="$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)"
+if [ "$prev_branch" != "refs/heads/master" ]; then
+	echo "Expecting current branch name to be \"master\"," \
+	     "but it is \"${prev_branch#refs/heads/}\" - aborting."
+	exit 1
+export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$git_author"
+export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$git_email"
+export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$git_author"
+export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$git_email"
+git checkout -b "lede-$version"
+while read type name url; do
+	case "$type" in
+		src-git)
+			case "$url" in
+				*^*|*\;*) : ;;
+				*)
+					ref="$(git ls-remote "$url" "lede-$version")"
+					if [ -z "$ref" ]; then
+						echo "WARNING: Feed \"$name\" provides no" \
+						     "\"lede-$version\" branch - using master!" >&2
+					else
+						url="$url;lede-$version"
+					fi
+				;;
+			esac
+			echo "$type $name $url"
+		;;
+		src-*)
+			echo "$type $name $url"
+		;;
+	esac
+done < feeds.conf.default > feeds.conf.branch && \
+	mv feeds.conf.branch feeds.conf.default
+sed -e 's!^RELEASE:=.*!RELEASE:='"$codename"'!g' \
+    -e 's!\(VERSION_NUMBER:=\$(if .*\),[^,]*)!\1,'"$version-HEAD"')!g' \
+    -e 's!\(VERSION_CODE:=\$(if .*\),[^,]*)!\1,$(REVISION))!g' \
+    -e 's!\(VERSION_REPO:=\$(if .*\),[^,]*)!\1,'"$base_url/$version-HEAD"')!g' \
+	include/version.mk > include/version.branch && \
+		mv include/version.branch include/version.mk
+sed -e 's!http://downloads.lede-project.org/[^"]*!'"$base_url/$version-HEAD"'!g' \
+	package/base-files/image-config.in > package/base-files/image-config.branch && \
+		mv package/base-files/image-config.branch package/base-files/image-config.in
+git commit -sm "LEDE v$version: set branch defaults" \
+	feeds.conf.default \
+	include/version.mk \
+	package/base-files/image-config.in
+git --no-pager log -p -1
+git push origin "refs/heads/lede-$version:refs/heads/lede-$version"
+git checkout "${prev_branch#refs/heads/}"
diff --git a/phase1/maketag.sh b/phase1/maketag.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c233e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phase1/maketag.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+git_author="Release System"
+git_email="lede-dev at lists.infradead.org"
+[ -f "./feeds.conf.default" ] || {
+	echo "Please execute as ./${0##*/}" >&2
+	exit 1
+usage() {
+	{
+		echo ""
+		echo "Usage: $0 [-i] [-a <Git author>] [-e <Git email>] \\"
+		echo "          [-k <GPG key id>] [-p <GPG passphrase file>] \\"
+		echo "          [-u <Download base url>] -v <version>"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-i"
+		echo "Exit successfully if tag already exists"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-a Git author [$git_author]"
+		echo "Override the author name used for automated Git commits"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-e Git email [$git_email]"
+		echo "Override the email used for automated Git commits"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-k GPG key id [none]"
+		echo "Enable GPG signing of tags with given GPG key id"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-p GPG passphrase file [none]"
+		echo "Use the passphrase stored in the given file for signing"
+		echo ""
+		echo "-u Download base url [$base_url]"
+		echo "Use the given URL as base for download repositories"
+		echo ""
+		exit 1
+	} >&2
+while getopts "a:e:ik:p:u:v:" opt; do
+	case "$opt" in
+		a) git_author="$OPTARG" ;;
+		e) git_email="$OPTARG" ;;
+		i) ignore_existing=1 ;;
+		k) gpg_keyid="${OPTARG#0x}" ;;
+		p) gpg_passfile="${OPTARG}" ;;
+		u) base_url="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
+		v)
+			case "$OPTARG" in
+				[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*)
+					version="$OPTARG"
+					basever="$(echo "$version" | cut -d. -f1-2)"
+				;;
+				*)
+					echo "Unexpected version format: $OPTARG" >&2
+					exit 1
+				;;
+			esac
+		;;
+		\?)
+			echo "Unexpected option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+			usage
+		;;
+		:)
+			echo "Missing argument for option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+			usage
+		;;
+	esac
+[ -n "$version" ] || usage
+if git rev-parse "v${version}^{tag}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+	if [ -z "$ignore_existing" ]; then
+		echo "Tag v${version} already exists!" >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	exit 0
+githash="$(git log --format=%h -1)"
+prev_branch="$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)"
+case "$prev_branch" in
+	*-$basever) : ;;
+	*)
+		echo "Expecting current branch name to end in \"-$basever\"," \
+		     "but it is \"${prev_branch#refs/heads/}\" - aborting."
+		exit 1
+	;;
+export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$git_author"
+export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$git_email"
+export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$git_author"
+export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$git_email"
+git checkout -b "release-$version"
+while read type name url; do
+	case "$type" in
+		src-git)
+			case "$url" in
+				*^*)  sha1="${url##*^}" ;;
+				*\;*) sha1="$(git ls-remote "${url%;*}" "${url##*;}")" ;;
+				*)    sha1="$(git ls-remote "$url" "master")" ;;
+			esac
+			echo "$type $name ${url%[;^]*}${sha1:+^${sha1:0:40}}"
+		;;
+		src-svn)
+			case "$url" in
+				*\;*) rev="${url##*;}" ;;
+				*)    rev="$(svn log -l 1 "$url" | sed -ne '2s/ .*$//p')" ;;
+			esac
+			echo "$type $name ${url%;*}${rev:+;$rev}"
+		;;
+		src-*)
+			echo "$type $name $url"
+		;;
+	esac
+done < feeds.conf.default > feeds.conf.tagged && \
+	mv feeds.conf.tagged feeds.conf.default
+sed -e 's!\(VERSION_NUMBER:=\$(if .*\),[^,]*)!\1,'"$version"')!g' \
+    -e 's!\(VERSION_CODE:=\$(if .*\),[^,]*)!\1,'"$revnum-$githash"')!g' \
+    -e 's!\(VERSION_REPO:=\$(if .*\),[^,]*)!\1,'"$base_url/$version"')!g' \
+	include/version.mk > include/version.tagged && \
+		mv include/version.tagged include/version.mk
+sed -e 's!http://downloads.lede-project.org/[^"]*!'"$base_url/$version"'!g' \
+	package/base-files/image-config.in > package/base-files/image-config.tagged && \
+		mv package/base-files/image-config.tagged package/base-files/image-config.in
+git commit -sm "LEDE v$version: adjust config defaults" \
+	feeds.conf.default \
+	include/version.mk \
+	package/base-files/image-config.in
+if [ -n "$gpg_keyid" -a -n "$gpg_passfile" ]; then
+	gpg_script="$(tempfile)"
+	cat <<-EOT > "$gpg_script"
+		#!/usr/bin/env bash
+		exec $(which gpg) --batch --passphrase-file $gpg_passfile "\$@"
+	chmod 0700 "$gpg_script"
+git ${gpg_script:+-c "gpg.program=$gpg_script"} tag \
+	-a "v$version" \
+	-m "LEDE v$version Release" \
+	${gpg_keyid:+-s -u "$gpg_keyid"}
+[ -n "$gpg_script" ] && rm -f "$gpg_script"
+git checkout "${prev_branch#refs/heads/}"
+git branch -D "release-$version"
+git --no-pager show "v$version"
+git push --follow-tags origin "refs/tags/v$version:refs/tags/v$version"

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