[source] toolchain: fix MIPS softfloat build issue for gcc-5.4.0

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Mon Nov 14 00:37:17 PST 2016

nbd pushed a commit to source.git, branch master:

commit 0fe34d27e22599d624b16db85c059c8570853217
Author: BangLang Huang <banglang.huang at foxmail.com>
AuthorDate: Wed Nov 9 11:06:24 2016 +0800

    toolchain: fix MIPS softfloat build issue for gcc-5.4.0
    Signed-off-by: BangLang Huang <banglang.huang at foxmail.com>
 .../5.4.0/931-fix-MIPS-softfloat-build-issue.patch | 174 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 174 insertions(+)

diff --git a/toolchain/gcc/patches/5.4.0/931-fix-MIPS-softfloat-build-issue.patch b/toolchain/gcc/patches/5.4.0/931-fix-MIPS-softfloat-build-issue.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8461a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolchain/gcc/patches/5.4.0/931-fix-MIPS-softfloat-build-issue.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+From 2b46f9187b6f994fc450628a7cd97fc703dd23e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: BangLang Huang <banglang.huang at foxmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2016 10:36:49 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] fix MIPS softfloat build issue
+    This patch is backport from github/libffi #272
+Signed-off-by: BangLang Huang <banglang.huang at foxmail.com>
+ libffi/src/mips/n32.S | 17 +++++++++++++++++
+ libffi/src/mips/o32.S | 17 +++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/libffi/src/mips/n32.S b/libffi/src/mips/n32.S
+index c6985d3..8f25994 100644
+--- a/libffi/src/mips/n32.S
++++ b/libffi/src/mips/n32.S
+@@ -107,6 +107,16 @@ loadregs:
+ 	REG_L	t6, 3*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($fp)  # load the flags word into t6.
++#ifdef __mips_soft_float
++	REG_L	a0, 0*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
++	REG_L	a1, 1*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
++	REG_L	a2, 2*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
++	REG_L	a3, 3*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
++	REG_L	a4, 4*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
++	REG_L	a5, 5*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
++	REG_L	a6, 6*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
++	REG_L	a7, 7*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
+ 	and	t4, t6, ((1<<FFI_FLAG_BITS)-1)
+ 	REG_L	a0, 0*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)
+ 	beqz	t4, arg1_next
+@@ -193,6 +203,7 @@ arg7_next:
+ arg8_doublep:	
+  	l.d	$f19, 7*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG(t9)	
+ arg8_next:	
+ callit:		
+ 	# Load the function pointer
+@@ -214,6 +225,7 @@ retint:
+ 	b	epilogue
+ retfloat:
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	bne     t6, FFI_TYPE_FLOAT, retdouble
+ 	jal	t9
+ 	REG_L	t4, 4*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($fp)
+@@ -272,6 +284,7 @@ retstruct_f_d:
+ 	s.s	$f0, 0(t4)
+ 	s.d	$f2, 8(t4)
+ 	b	epilogue
+ retstruct_d_soft:
+ 	bne	t6, FFI_TYPE_STRUCT_D_SOFT, retstruct_f_soft
+@@ -429,6 +442,7 @@ ffi_closure_N32:
+ 	REG_S	a6, A6_OFF2($sp)
+ 	REG_S	a7, A7_OFF2($sp)
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	# Store all possible float/double registers.
+ 	s.d	$f12, F12_OFF2($sp)
+ 	s.d	$f13, F13_OFF2($sp)
+@@ -438,6 +452,7 @@ ffi_closure_N32:
+ 	s.d	$f17, F17_OFF2($sp)
+ 	s.d	$f18, F18_OFF2($sp)
+ 	s.d	$f19, F19_OFF2($sp)
+ 	# Call ffi_closure_mips_inner_N32 to do the real work.
+ 	LA	t9, ffi_closure_mips_inner_N32
+@@ -458,6 +473,7 @@ cls_retint:
+ 	b	cls_epilogue
+ cls_retfloat:
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	bne     v0, FFI_TYPE_FLOAT, cls_retdouble
+ 	l.s	$f0, V0_OFF2($sp)
+ 	b	cls_epilogue
+@@ -500,6 +516,7 @@ cls_retstruct_f_d:
+ 	l.s	$f0, V0_OFF2($sp)
+ 	l.d	$f2, V1_OFF2($sp)
+ 	b	cls_epilogue
+ cls_retstruct_small2:	
+ 	REG_L	v0, V0_OFF2($sp)
+diff --git a/libffi/src/mips/o32.S b/libffi/src/mips/o32.S
+index eb27981..1aff4b1 100644
+--- a/libffi/src/mips/o32.S
++++ b/libffi/src/mips/o32.S
+@@ -82,13 +82,16 @@ sixteen:
+ 	ADDU	$sp, 4 * FFI_SIZEOF_ARG		# adjust $sp to new args
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	bnez	t0, pass_d			# make it quick for int
+ 	REG_L	a0, 0*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($sp)	# just go ahead and load the
+ 	REG_L	a1, 1*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($sp)	# four regs.
+ 	REG_L	a2, 2*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($sp)
+ 	REG_L	a3, 3*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($sp)
+ 	b	call_it
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ pass_d:
+ 	bne	t0, FFI_ARGS_D, pass_f
+ 	l.d	$f12, 0*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($sp)	# load $fp regs from args
+@@ -130,6 +133,7 @@ pass_f_d:
+  #	bne	t0, FFI_ARGS_F_D, call_it
+ 	l.s	$f12, 0*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($sp)	# load $fp regs from args
+ 	l.d	$f14, 2*FFI_SIZEOF_ARG($sp)	# passing double and float
+ call_it:	
+ 	# Load the function pointer
+@@ -158,14 +162,23 @@ retfloat:
+ 	bne     t2, FFI_TYPE_FLOAT, retdouble
+ 	jalr	t9
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	s.s	$f0, 0(t0)
++	REG_S v0, 0(t0)
+ 	b	epilogue
+ retdouble:	
+ 	bne	t2, FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE, noretval
+ 	jalr	t9
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	s.d	$f0, 0(t0)
++	REG_S v1, 4(t0)
++	REG_S v0, 0(t0)
+ 	b	epilogue
+ noretval:	
+@@ -261,9 +274,11 @@ $LCFI7:
+ 	li	$13, 1		# FFI_O32
+ 	bne	$16, $13, 1f	# Skip fp save if FFI_O32_SOFT_FLOAT
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	# Store all possible float/double registers.
+ 	s.d	$f12, FA_0_0_OFF2($fp)
+ 	s.d	$f14, FA_1_0_OFF2($fp)
+ 1:	
+ 	# Call ffi_closure_mips_inner_O32 to do the work.
+ 	la	t9, ffi_closure_mips_inner_O32
+@@ -281,6 +296,7 @@ $LCFI7:
+ 	li	$13, 1		# FFI_O32
+ 	bne	$16, $13, 1f	# Skip fp restore if FFI_O32_SOFT_FLOAT
++#ifndef __mips_soft_float
+ 	li	$9, FFI_TYPE_FLOAT
+ 	l.s	$f0, V0_OFF2($fp)
+ 	beq	$8, $9, closure_done
+@@ -288,6 +304,7 @@ $LCFI7:
+ 	l.d	$f0, V0_OFF2($fp)
+ 	beq	$8, $9, closure_done
+ 1:	
+ 	REG_L	$3, V1_OFF2($fp)
+ 	REG_L	$2, V0_OFF2($fp)

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