[source] mac80211: Update the regdb to master-2016-06-10

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Sun Aug 7 14:35:53 PDT 2016

stintel pushed a commit to source.git, branch master:

commit b34ccf45dff7635d2b5d4cab7b86a596f1bf4980
Author: Petko Bordjukov <bordjukov at gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Sun Aug 7 23:45:33 2016 +0300

    mac80211: Update the regdb to master-2016-06-10
    Changes include:
    * Higher maximum transmit power in the 5170-5250 band of the BG
    * Introduction of the CU regdomain
    * Introduction of the 5725-5875 band (short-range devices) in the DE
    * Introduction of 60 GHz channels 1-4 in the KR regdomain
    * Introduction of the 5725-5875 band (short-range devices) in the NL
    Signed-off-by: Petko Bordjukov <bordjukov at gmail.com>
 package/kernel/mac80211/files/regdb.txt | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/package/kernel/mac80211/files/regdb.txt b/package/kernel/mac80211/files/regdb.txt
index 463ace3..c4a9b2d 100644
--- a/package/kernel/mac80211/files/regdb.txt
+++ b/package/kernel/mac80211/files/regdb.txt
@@ -136,19 +136,35 @@ country BF: DFS-FCC
 	(5490 - 5730 @ 160), (24), DFS
 	(5735 - 5835 @ 80), (30)
+# Bulgarian rules as defined by the Communications Regulation Commission in the
+# following documents:
+# Rules for carrying out electronic communications through radio equipment using
+# radio spectrum, which does not need to be individually assigned (the Rules):
+# http://www.crc.bg/files/_bg/Pravila_09_06_2015.pdf
+# List of radio equipment that uses harmonized within the European Union bands
+# and electronic communications terminal equipment (the List):
+# http://www.crc.bg/files/_bg/Spisak_2015.pdf
+# Note: The transmit power limits in the 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz bands
+# can be raised by 3 dBm if TPC is enabled. Refer to BDS EN 301 893 for details.
 country BG: DFS-ETSI
+	# Wideband data transmission systems (WDTS) in the 2.4GHz ISM band, ref:
+	# I.22 of the List, BDS EN 300 328
 	(2402 - 2482 @ 40), (20)
-	(5170 - 5250 @ 80), (20), AUTO-BW
+	# 5 GHz Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs), ref:
+	# II.H01 of the List, BDS EN 301 893
+	(5170 - 5250 @ 80), (23), AUTO-BW
 	(5250 - 5330 @ 80), (20), DFS, AUTO-BW
+	# II.H01 of the List, I.54 from the List, BDS EN 301 893
 	(5490 - 5710 @ 160), (27), DFS
-	# 5 GHz Short Range Devices, ref:
-	# Etsi EN 300 440-1
-	# Etsi EN 300 440-2
-	# http://crc.bg/files/_bg/Spisak_2015.pdf
-	# http://crc.bg/files/_bg/Pravila_2015_resh24.pdf
+	# Short range devices (SRDs) in the 5725-5875 MHz frequency range, ref:
+	# I.43 of the List, BDS EN 300 440-2, BDS EN 300 440-1
 	(5725 - 5875 @ 80), (14)
-	# 60 GHz band channels 1-4, ref: Etsi En 302 567
-	(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (40)
+	# 60 GHz Multiple-Gigabit RLAN Systems, ref:
+	# II.H03 of the List, BDS EN 302 567-2
+	(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (40), NO-OUTDOOR
 country BH: DFS-JP
 	(2402 - 2482 @ 40), (20)
@@ -275,6 +291,12 @@ country CR: DFS-FCC
 	(5490 - 5730 @ 20), (24), DFS
 	(5735 - 5835 @ 20), (30)
+# http://www.mincom.gob.cu/?q=marcoregulatorio
+# - Redes Informáticas
+# Resolución 127, 2011 - Reglamento Banda 2,4 GHz.
+country CU: DFS-FCC
+	(2400 - 2483.5 @ 40), (200 mW)
 country CX: DFS-FCC
 	(2402 - 2482 @ 40), (20)
 	(5170 - 5250 @ 80), (24), AUTO-BW
@@ -302,28 +324,41 @@ country CZ: DFS-ETSI
 	# 60 GHz band channels 1-4, ref: Etsi En 302 567
 	(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (40)
-# Data from "Frequenznutzungsplan" (as published in April 2008), downloaded from
-# http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/38448/publicationFile/2659/Frequenznutzungsplan2008_Id17448pdf.pdf
-# For the 5GHz range also see
-# http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/38216/publicationFile/6579/WLAN5GHzVfg7_2010_28042010pdf.pdf
-# The values have been reduced by a factor of 2 (3db) for non TPC devices
-# (in other words: devices with TPC can use twice the tx power of this table).
-# Note that the docs do not require TPC for 5150--5250; the reduction to
-# 100mW thus is not strictly required -- however the conservative 100mW
+# Allocation for the 2.4 GHz band (Vfg 10 / 2013, Allgemeinzuteilung von
+# Frequenzen für die Nutzung in lokalen Netzwerken; Wireless Local Area
+# Networks (WLAN-Funkanwendungen).
+# https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Frequenzen/Allgemeinzuteilungen/2013_10_WLAN_2,4GHz_pdf.pdf
+# Allocation for the 5 GHz band (Vfg. 7 / 2010, Allgemeinzuteilung von
+# Frequenzen in den Bereichen 5150 MHz - 5350 MHz und 5470 MHz - 5725 MHz für
+# Funkanwendungen zur breitbandigen Datenübertragung, WAS/WLAN („Wireless
+# Access Systems including Wireless Local Area Networks“).
+# https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Frequenzen/Allgemeinzuteilungen/2010_07_WLAN_5GHz_pdf.pdf
+# The values for the 5 GHz have been reduced by a factor of 2 (3db) for non TPC
+# devices (in other words: devices with TPC can use twice the tx power of this
+# table). Note that the docs do not require TPC for 5150--5250; the reduction
+# to 100mW thus is not strictly required -- however the conservative 100mW
 # limit is used here as the non-interference with radar and satellite
 # apps relies on the attenuation by the building walls only in the
 # absence of DFS; the neighbour countries have 100mW limit here as well.
+# The ETSI EN 300 440-1 standard for short range devices in the 5 GHz band has
+# been implemented in Germany:
+# https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Frequenzen/Allgemeinzuteilungen/2014_69_SRD_pdf.pdf
+# Allocation for the 60 GHz band (Allgemeinzuteilung von Frequenzen im
+# Bereich 57 GHz - 66 GHz für Funkanwendungen für weitbandige
+# Datenübertragungssysteme; „Multiple Gigabit WAS/RLAN Systems (MGWS)“).
+# https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Frequenzen/Allgemeinzuteilungen/2011_08_MGWS_pdf.pdf
 country DE: DFS-ETSI
-	# entries 279004 and 280006
 	(2400 - 2483.5 @ 40), (100 mW)
-	# entry 303005
 	(5150 - 5250 @ 80), (100 mW), NO-OUTDOOR, AUTO-BW
-	# entries 304002 and 305002
 	(5250 - 5350 @ 80), (100 mW), NO-OUTDOOR, DFS, AUTO-BW
-	# entries 308002, 309001 and 310003
 	(5470 - 5725 @ 160), (500 mW), DFS
-	# 60 GHz band channels 1-4, ref: Etsi En 302 567
+	# short range devices (ETSI EN 300 440-1)
+	(5725 - 5875 @ 80), (25 mW)
+	# 60 GHz band channels 1-4 (ETSI EN 302 567)
 	(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (40)
 country DK: DFS-ETSI
@@ -629,6 +664,9 @@ country KR: DFS-JP
 	(5250 - 5330 @ 80), (20), DFS, AUTO-BW
 	(5490 - 5710 @ 160), (30), DFS
 	(5735 - 5835 @ 80), (30)
+	# 60 GHz band channels 1-4,
+	# ref: http://www.law.go.kr/%ED%96%89%EC%A0%95%EA%B7%9C%EC%B9%99/%EB%AC%B4%EC%84%A0%EC%84%A4%EB%B9%84%EA%B7%9C%EC%B9%99
+	(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (43)
 country KW: DFS-ETSI
 	(2402 - 2482 @ 40), (20)
@@ -844,11 +882,18 @@ country NI: DFS-FCC
 	(5490 - 5730 @ 160), (24), DFS
 	(5735 - 5835 @ 80), (30)
+# Regulation on the use of frequency space without a license and
+# without notification 2015
+# http://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0036378/2015-03-05
 country NL: DFS-ETSI
 	(2402 - 2482 @ 40), (20)
 	(5170 - 5250 @ 80), (20), NO-OUTDOOR, AUTO-BW
 	(5250 - 5330 @ 80), (20), NO-OUTDOOR, DFS, AUTO-BW
 	(5490 - 5710 @ 160), (27), DFS
+	# short range devices (ETSI EN 300 440-1)
+	(5725 - 5875 @ 80), (25 mW)
 	# 60 GHz band channels 1-4, ref: Etsi En 302 567
 	(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (40)

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