[PATCH v4 09/13] riscv: switch to relative alternative entries
Conor Dooley
conor at kernel.org
Wed Jan 18 14:11:04 PST 2023
On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 11:49:49PM +0800, Jisheng Zhang wrote:
> Instead of using absolute addresses for both the old instrucions and
> the alternative instructions, use offsets relative to the alt_entry
> values. So this not only cuts the size of the alternative entry, but
> also meets the prerequisite for patching alternatives in the vDSO,
> since absolute alternative entries are subject to dynamic relocation,
> which is incompatible with the vDSO building.
> Signed-off-by: Jisheng Zhang <jszhang at kernel.org>
> Reviewed-by: Andrew Jones <ajones at ventanamicro.com>
> +/* add the relative offset to the address of the offset to get the absolute address */
> +#define __ALT_PTR(a, f) ((void *)&(a)->f + (a)->f)
> +#define ALT_OLD_PTR(a) __ALT_PTR(a, old_offset)
> +#define ALT_ALT_PTR(a) __ALT_PTR(a, alt_offset)
LGTM, thanks for doing that! Certainly makes things more understandable.
Reviewed-by: Conor Dooley <conor.dooley at microchip.com>
> + oldptr = ALT_OLD_PTR(alt);
> + altptr = ALT_ALT_PTR(alt);
> if (!__riscv_isa_extension_available(NULL, alt->errata_id))
> continue;
One minor nit, the oldptr/altptr assignments could go down here, below
the if/continue, right? Obviously don't respin for that though!
> - patch_text_nosync(alt->old_ptr, alt->alt_ptr, alt->alt_len);
> - riscv_alternative_fix_offsets(alt->old_ptr, alt->alt_len,
> - alt->old_ptr - alt->alt_ptr);
> + patch_text_nosync(oldptr, altptr, alt->alt_len);
> + riscv_alternative_fix_offsets(oldptr, alt->alt_len, oldptr - altptr);
> }
> }
> #endif
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