[PATCH v12 7/7] x86/crash: Add x86 crash hotplug support

Eric DeVolder eric.devolder at oracle.com
Wed Oct 12 13:42:48 PDT 2022

On 10/12/22 15:19, Eric DeVolder wrote:
> On 10/12/22 12:46, Borislav Petkov wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 10:35:14AM +0800, Baoquan He wrote:
>>> Memory hptlug is not limited by a certin or a max number of memory
>>> regions, but limited by how large of the linear mapping range which
>>> physical can be mapped into.
>> Memory hotplug is not limited by some abstract range but by the *actual*
>> possibility of how many DIMM slots on any motherboard can hotplug
>> memory. Certainly not 32K.
>> So you can choose a sane default which covers *all* actual systems out
>> there.
> We run here QEMU with the ability for 1024 DIMM slots. A DIMM can be any
> reasonable power of 2 size, and then that DIMM is further divided into memblocks,
> typically 128MiB.
> So, for example, 1TiB requires 1024 DIMMs of 1GiB each with 128MiB memblocks, that results
> in 8K possible memory regions. So just going to 4TiB reaches 32K memory regions.
> This I can attest for virtualized DIMMs, not sure about other memory hotplug technologies
> like virtio-mem or DynamicMemory. But it seems reasonable that those technologies could
> also easily reach into these number ranges.
> Eric

Oh, to be fair, if the above were fully populated, it would essentially coalescence
into a single reported region via crash_prepare_elf64_headers(). But in the sadistic
case, where every other memblock was offlined, that would result in the need to
report half of the memory regions via the elfcorehdr.


>>> For the Kconfig CRASH_MAX_MEMORY_RANGES Eric added, it's meaningful to
>>> me to set a fixed value which is enough in reality.
>> Yes, exactly.
>>> For extreme testing with special purpose, it could be broken easily,
>>> people need decide by self whether the CONFIG_CRASH_MAX_MEMORY_RANGES
>>> is enlarged or not.
>> I don't want for people to decide on one more thing where they have to
>> go and read a bunch of specs just to know what is a good value. So we
>> should set a sane, *practical* upper limit and simply go with it.
>> Everything else is testing stuff and if you test the kernel, then you
>> can change limits and values and so on as you want to.
>> Thx.

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