android phone often needs reboot to authenticate with 802.11ac AP

Bruno Dantas dantas at
Wed Aug 28 05:07:19 PDT 2024

> that change in
> wpa_supplicant configuration should have no impact whatsoever to the
> observed behavior and whatever change you may have seen is likely a
> coincidence..

Hi Jouni. I feared as much. I will save the phone's wpa_supplicant log of a successful authentication and, when it happens again, a log of a failed authentication attempt.

My router is dual-band: It creates a 5 GHz 802.11ac AP and a 2.4 GHz 802.11n AP. If comparing the wpa_supplicant logs does not reveal an easy way to make authentication with the 5 GHz 802.11ac AP more reliable, then I'll stick to using the 2.4 GHz 802.11n AP for the phones.

Thank you for your help!


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