How wpa_suppicant handles mesh networks with multiple BSSIDs per SSID

Chris Cortopassi chriscortopassi at
Thu Nov 30 22:15:43 PST 2023

When scan_results returns multiple rows with the same SSID but
different BSSIDs, how does wpa_supplicant select which BSSID to connect

Does it choose the strongest signal level?

Does it iterate through each BSSID until one succeeds?

Is there any way to control this process?

chris at chris-XPS-15-9560:~/Downloads$ sudo wpa_cli scan_results
Selected interface 'wlp2s0'
wlp2s0: Control interface command 'SCAN_RESULTS'
bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
d4:b9:2f:77:0b:b5 5785 -77 [ESS] xfinitywifi
90:58:51:0b:53:dc 5785 -77 [ESS] xfinitywifi
aa:70:5d:5a:02:17 5220 -85 [ESS] xfinitywifi
4a:4b:d4:66:88:fa 5220 -89 [ESS] xfinitywifi
96:04:e3:95:13:94 5220 -91 [ESS] xfinitywifi

wpa_cli add_network
wpa_cli set_network 0 ssid \""xfinitywifi"\"
wpa_cli enable_network 0

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