IEEE 802.11 management frames filtering with nftables

Michael Richardson mcr at
Tue Jul 25 06:18:47 PDT 2023

Opty <opty77 at> wrote:
    > can I filter IEEE 802.11 management frames with nftables?

    > I want to get rid off

    > root at tplink:~# logread -e 'hostapd: wlan0: STA d8:1f:12:33:9e:aa IEEE
    > 802.11: did not acknowledge authentication response' | wc -l 12982

I don't think that this is a message about a frame, so whatever nftables does
makes no difference.
It's a message from hostapd saying that it got no reply.

    > flooding the log but I'd also like to know about it in an aggregated
    > form (like 1/hour). From what I've read so far I got an impression that
    > those frames won't get it to nftables unless hostapd authenticates the
    > STA.

I think you'd have to change hostapd code.
If your goal is to limit that message to once/hour for all stations, that
probably easy.  If you want to limit it to once/hour/station, then that might
require more infrastructure to remember things.

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