wpa_supplicant - TEAP support

Fabrice Andrei fabrice.andrei at esrf.fr
Thu Jun 24 05:45:41 PDT 2021


I compiled wpa_supplicant with TEAP suport (experimental) but I did not
succeeded to make it work.

I wonder if someone has already tried this protocol successfully ? This
is my first point.

I would like also find any relevant information about an eventual
"official support" (I mean not experimental) in the next release of
wpa_supplicant. Could someone let me know if there is some kind of
roadmap regarding the wpa_supplicant development ?

Best regards,

             / .      ________________________________
            /  | /|  |                                |
           /   |' '  | Fabrice ANDREI                 |
          /      /   | System and Communication       |
  ___  .        /    | ESRF - 71 avenue des Martyrs   |
 \ # \/         \    | 38000 Grenoble                 |
 |   '      /`.  \   | Phone :                        |
 |# |      |   \  |  | Email : andrei at esrf.fr         |
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