wpa_supplicant seems to prefer 2.4GHz over 5GHz

Guan Xin guanx.bac at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 00:57:38 PST 2017

I didn't check the program logic of wpa_supplicant but I do find 5GHz
unreliable compared to 2.4GHz particularly when my wife stands between
the ap and station, so there is no reason to prefer 5GHz by default.

However, you can give the 5GHz ssid higher priority in wpa_supplicant.conf.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 9:37 AM, John Frankish
<john.frankish at outlook.com> wrote:
> ...
> Does anybody know why wpa_supplicant seems to prefer 2.4GHz to 5GHz?
> ...

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