Kernel Crash on starting hostapd

ravin goyal ravirocks1021 at
Tue Feb 14 20:39:26 PST 2017

Hello, I have a banana pi m2+ running raspbian lite 3.4.112-sun8i

I am using using hostapd v2.7-devel-hostap_2_6-690-gb5562a1
following thread on banana pi forum link:

I have managed to configure and run successfully on my wlan0 interface
and for that I have to do

modprobe -v bcmdhd op_mode=2

command before starting it.

It was running successfully but after some time I stopped it and tried
to run again in daemon mode it returns segmentation fault following
kernel crash message.


I reboot the device and on boot it starts and it is working fine for
atleast now.

Any help appreciated?


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