wpa_supplicant: secured mesh and WiLink8 issue

Jeroen Roovers jer at airfi.aero
Tue Dec 12 03:05:35 PST 2017

Finally found more time to look into this. Meanwhile I backported some
more kernel patches and when that didn't fix it, I tried one other

On 7 November 2016 at 11:14, Jeroen Roovers <jer at airfi.aero> wrote:
>>> user_mpm=1

pmf=2 [1]

And then the network block as before:

>>> update_config=1
>>> network={
>>>         mode=5
>>>         ssid="secret"
>>>         frequency=2412
>>>         proto=RSN
>>>         pairwise=CCMP
>>>         key_mgmt=SAE
>>>         group=CCMP
>>>         psk="secret"

Setting user_mpm=0 suddenly showed connected mesh peers.

> OK, so there is another bug (or backward incompatibility) in wpa_supplicant 2.6?

So yes?

Kind regards,

[1] According to https://bobcopeland.com/blog/2016/10/encrypted-mesh-psa/

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