[PATCH 2/2] tests: Add async. AP setup failure test case

Andrei Otcheretianski andrei.otcheretianski at intel.com
Mon Aug 21 09:42:20 PDT 2017

Verify that the AP initialization failure is reported back
to wpa_s also when the initialization is complete in a callback.

Signed-off-by: Andrei Otcheretianski <andrei.otcheretianski at intel.com>
 tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py b/tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py
index 82857f8..d7c9bc7 100644
--- a/tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py
+++ b/tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py
@@ -717,3 +717,25 @@ def test_wpas_ap_no_ht(dev):
         raise Exception("HT was not disabled: " + str(sig))
     if "WIDTH=20 MHz" not in sig2:
         raise Exception("HT was not enabled: " + str(sig2))
+def test_wpas_ap_async_fail(dev):
+    """wpa_supplicant AP mode - Async failure"""
+    id = dev[0].add_network()
+    dev[0].set("country", "FI")
+    try:
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "mode", "2")
+        dev[0].set_network_quoted(id, "ssid", "wpas-ap-open")
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "key_mgmt", "NONE")
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "frequency", "5180")
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "scan_freq", "5180")
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "vht", "1")
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "vht_center_freq1", "5210")
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "max_oper_chwidth", "1")
+        dev[0].set_network(id, "ht40", "1")
+        with alloc_fail(dev[0], 1, "nl80211_get_scan_results;ieee80211n_check_scan"):
+            dev[0].select_network(id)
+            dev[0].wait_disconnected()
+    finally:
+        set_country("00")
+        dev[0].set("country", "00")

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