Building from source: authentication error + DS Params mismatch

Benoit benoitne at
Fri Feb 19 10:24:06 PST 2016

It is possible that ArchLinux has applied some additional patches into
the release packages. There has been some changes that could have
affected functionality with openvswitch, but I thought they were all old
enough to be included in v2.5. You might want to run a quick test with
the current git repository snapshot and if that is showing different
behavior, try to find the ArchLinux source package to see what changes
it does on top of the upstream release.

Just tested on git version and got the same result :(
I did a packet capure in wireless and I can see some replies in V2.5 as well on EAPOL...
So I don't know what's happen..
I remember for openvswitch patch and I believe it has been a couple of month or a year so I believe it has been apply on v2.5?


Your message included a Reply-To: address with a realm that does not
resolve to any MX records, so I ignored it and used the From: address..

yep thanks for that still need to work on my mail architecture which is my next topic after hostap :)
but I confirm I have a redirection and I am receiving the mails on the Reply-to address

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