NAS Port- Type - 19 - For wired

Sarah Thomas sarah040.thomas
Tue Feb 3 11:23:45 PST 2015


  In the log of wired case , I see, NAS port type as 19. 19 stands for
wireless(802.11). Should it be 15 for wired case?

 15      Ethernet (

ieee802_1x_aaa_send function sending an Access-Request message..

RADIUS message: code=1 (Access-Request) identifier=0 length=198

   Attribute 30 (Called-Station-Id) length=20
      Value: 'F0-4D-A2-42-FE-14:'
   Attribute 61 (NAS-Port-Type) length=6
 *     Value: 19*

In hostapd_bss_config, there is no nas_port_type field to get it from the
config file. Am I missing something?

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