CCMP and Apple and WPS

Drasko DRASKOVIC drasko.draskovic
Mon May 5 13:11:42 PDT 2014

Hi all,
I have noticed that when I am using CCMP in my hostap config, either
for wpa_pairwise or rsn_pairwise, I can not connect to my AP with
Apple devices.

If I use TKIP, everything works OK.

However, when I use TKIP, then WPS does not work for me, i.e. I have
only log like this:

Selected interface 'wlan0'
RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=7):
     57 50 53 5f 50 42 43                              WPS_PBC

Insted like this:
Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 80:1f:02:a7:98:25 and ssid "ALTERA"
Deriving WPA PSK based on passphrase
SSID - hexdump_ascii(len=6):
     41 4c 54 45 52 41                                 ALTERA
PSK (ASCII passphrase) - hexdump_ascii(len=10): [REMOVED]
PSK (from passphrase) - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
WPS: Use configured UUID - hexdump(len=16): 12 34 56 78 9a bc de f0 12
34 56 78 9a bc de f0
WPS: Converting push_button to virtual_push_button for WPS 2.0 compliance
WPS: Dualband AP
WPS: Build Beacon IEs
WPS:  * Version (hardcoded 0x10)
WPS:  * Wi-Fi Protected Setup State (2)
WPS:  * AP Setup Locked
WPS:  * RF Bands (3)
WPS:  * Version2 (0x20)
WPS: Build Probe Response IEs
WPS:  * Version (hardcoded 0x10)
WPS:  * Wi-Fi Protected Setup State (2)
WPS:  * AP Setup Locked

Any ideas why?

Best regards,

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