HS2.0 test with hostapd master branch code strip mail size

xiaobingjian xiaobingjian
Wed Jul 2 20:11:35 PDT 2014

        I used hostapd code which I get from master branch to test HS20 with Iphon5s today. But I found the phone dose not send any action frame to my router. However ,  I have test hostapd old version code which I got from ahteros sdk, It dit work. I compare the two verison code. I found that hostapd_eid_hs20_indication is different.
       The master is 
    u8 * hostapd_eid_hs20_indication(struct hostapd_data *hapd, u8 *eid)
u8 conf;
if (!hapd->conf->hs20)
return eid;
*eid++ = 7;
eid += 3;
conf = HS20_VERSION; /* Release Number */
if (hapd->conf->disable_dgaf)
*eid++ = conf;
WPA_PUT_LE16(eid, hapd->conf->anqp_domain_id);
eid += 2;

return eid;
    while the sdk is 
u8 * hostapd_eid_hs20_indication(struct hostapd_data *hapd, u8 *eid)
if (!hapd->conf->hs20)
return eid;
*eid++ = 5;
eid += 3;
/* Hotspot Configuration: DGAF Enabled */
*eid++ = hapd->conf->disable_dgaf ? 0x01 : 0x00;
return eid;
My question as following:
     1.I think the master trunk code add code support hostspot 2.0 release 2, but sdk code doesn't.  Is it right?
     2 .Does Iphone5s  support hostspot2.0 release 2 ?. If I want use Iphone5s to test HS2.0 with master trunk code,   which is best way  modify the code or  hostapd config file ?
    3. Which type of  phone support hostspot2.0 release 1 except Iphone5s and Samsung 4S? 
    4.Which type of  phone support hostspot2.0 release 2 which add osu function?
    5. If there is no  phone support hostpot2.0 release 2 now , How I test  hostpot2.0 release 2 wich hostpad ? If thers is some phone support, Can you give the type of phone and how to config it.

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