hostapd Fedora config - deauthenticated due to inactivity

Kees de Jong keesdejong
Mon Dec 22 02:27:48 PST 2014


I switched from Debian Testing to Fedora 21 and the same configuration
doesn't seem to work. This is what journalctl is telling me:

This is the current config:

The service starts clean on start up, no errors. This configuration
worked fine with Debian. So my guess is that it has to do with the
difference in interface configuration. I now set the static IP with:
ip address add dev wlp7s0
Which works fine, but I haven't found a nice way to configure it in

On my Debian system I simply configured this:

I don't think it's a hardware error since these errors started with
Fedora. Debian also used version 2.3 of hostapd. So I guess it's the
network setup. I can't connect with an Android phone, iPhone and a
Linux laptop. So I doubt this is a client problem.

Can someone give me some pointers on this? E.g. could this be related
to the network interface setup or something different? I couldn't find
anything related on Google that helped.

Kind regards,
Kees de Jong

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