wpa_supplicant passive scan

Robert Denber robertdenber
Wed Dec 3 01:41:19 PST 2014

I can see from the change logs that from version 2.1 a passive scanning feature in wpa_supplicant has been added.* added more control to scan requests
	  - "SCAN freq=<freq list>" can be used to specify which channels are
	    scanned (comma-separated frequency ranges in MHz)
	  - "SCAN passive=1" can be used to request a passive scan (no Probe
	    Request frames are sent)
	  - "SCAN use_id" can be used to request a scan id to be returned and
	    included in event messages related to this specific scan operation
	  - "SCAN only_new=1" can be used to request the driver/cfg80211 to
	    report only BSS entries that have been updated during this scan
	  - these optional arguments to the SCAN command can be combined with
	    each otherI am struggling to find out how to enable this feature. I have tried adding it to wpa_supplicant.conf and everything I have tried has given me a parse error and unknown option. I've also tried adding it to -C, -g, -o, -p options etc and this does not seem to work either.
I think I have exhausted my searching efforts online, so I wonder whether somebody on this list may be able to help please.I am using Debian 8 Jessie, with wpa_supplicant 2.3, but I've now also tried installation from source downloaded from this site.
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