Not reassociating after a 4-way Handshake 'Retry limit 4 reached'
Douglas Diniz
Mon May 20 07:56:00 PDT 2013
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Douglas Diniz <dgdiniz at> wrote:
> Hi, I have an Ad-Hoc network with a few devices, and I'm using
> wpa_supplicant to control and configure the devices. I'm using Wpa version
> 2.0 in these Ad-Hoc devices (Linux 3.6.5) (see .conf below).
> I'm also using Olsrd.
> Everything works fine, but sometimes some devices become isolated from the
> network and stays isolated forever.
> This usually happens when there is a high traffic on the network.
> So when the network become segmented this way, it doesn't come back on
> it's own.
> I saw that when this problem happens, the command:
> iw wlan0 station dump
> reports that the isolated device are not authorized:
> authorized: no
> authenticated: yes
> In these situations, if I run the command:
> wpa_cli -p /var/run/wpa_supplicant reassociate
> the isolated device is reauthorized (if there is a low traffic) and
> everything works again.
> After some debugging the problem seems to be related to the 4-Way
> handshake.
> Wpa_supplicant reports a "Retry limit 4 reached" and after that it stays
> isolated and doesn't try to reassociate again.
> My wpa_supplicant.conf is:
> ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant_wlan0
> eapol_version=1
> ap_scan=2
> fast_reauth=1
> network={
> mode=1
> frequency=2442
> fixed_freq=1
> ssid="Trial_AES"
> bssid=00:11:11:11:11:11
> proto=RSN
> key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
> pairwise=CCMP
> group=CCMP
> psk=3ce0e17e2e27a3b7dfee635cdb1430a0f595f60456025bd322f8689ec6ca6829
> And the wpa_supplicant log is (just before the problem):
> AUTH: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a - sending 1/4 msg of 4-Way Handshake
> WPA: Send EAPOL(version=2 secure=0 mic=0 ack=1 install=0 pairwise=8
> kde_len=0 keyidx=0 encr=0)
> AUTH: eapol event not handled 7
> AUTH: auth_send_eapol(addr=00:15:6d:94:9d:5a data_len=99 encrypt=0)
> WPA: Use EAPOL-Key timeout of 1000 ms (retry counter 3)
> AUTH: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a - EAPOL-Key timeout
> WPA: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a WPA_PTK entering state PTKSTART
> AUTH: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a - sending 1/4 msg of 4-Way Handshake
> WPA: Send EAPOL(version=2 secure=0 mic=0 ack=1 install=0 pairwise=8
> kde_len=0 keyidx=0 encr=0)
> AUTH: eapol event not handled 7
> AUTH: auth_send_eapol(addr=00:15:6d:94:9d:5a data_len=99 encrypt=0)
> WPA: Use EAPOL-Key timeout of 1000 ms (retry counter 4)
> AUTH: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a - EAPOL-Key timeout
> WPA: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a WPA_PTK entering state PTKSTART
> AUTH: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a - PTKSTART: Retry limit 4 reached
> WPA: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a WPA_PTK entering state DISCONNECT
> WPA: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a WPA_PTK entering state DISCONNECTED
> WPA: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a WPA_PTK entering state INITIALIZE
> AUTH: eapol event not handled 0
> AUTH: auth_set_key(alg=0 addr=00:15:6d:94:9d:5a key_idx=0)
> AUTH: set_key - key - hexdump(len=0): [NULL]
> AUTH: Do not use this PTK
> AUTH: eapol event not handled 1
> AUTH: 00:15:6d:94:9d:5a unauthorizing port
> So, wpa_supplicant try 4 times and after that stops the authentication and
> doesn't try again.
> Is there a way to wait some time and trigger the reassociation again?
> Thanks
> <thedougdiniz at>
Douglas Gameiro Diniz
Engenheiro de Computa??o - 2003 - UNICAMP
Mobile: (19) 92158777
Gtalk: dgdiniz
Msn: thedougdiniz at
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