Fw: hostapd related error

RAVIKANT PATEL ravikant_patel182000
Fri Feb 15 20:02:54 PST 2013

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: RAVIKANT PATEL <ravikant_patel182000 at yahoo.com>
To: "mykyta.iziumtsev at gmail.com" <mykyta.iziumtsev at gmail.com> 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 6:52 PM
Subject: Fw: hostapd related error


That question is already answered by Jouni.

Copying from your previous conversation with him:
? ? ? ? in our iw list
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2467 mhz [12] (16.0 dbm)(passive scanning)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2472 mhz [13] (16.0 dbm)(passive scanning)

You can see that channels 12 and 13 are marked as "passive scanning".
Hostapd can't operate on
 channel which is marked "DFS required",
"passive scanning" or "IBSS prohibited".
Check hostapd_get_hw_features() for this code.

I would suggest you to take a look at your WLAN driver, and find out why those
channels are marked as "passive scanning".

P.S: I hope you have strong reason to put AP on channel 12. Good
 practice is to
put APs on channels 1, 6 and 11. In that way they won't interfere with
each other.
Otherwise you're introducing interference which is impossible to avoid,
because WLAN CS function (on 2.4GHz, unless CS energy sense is ON,
which is unlikely)
looks only for a valid preamble, and for sure you can't decode OFDM
preamble from channel 12
when you're tuned to channel 11.


i understand what you want to say but i have question that 

->can i changes in drivers or anything so that i remove that passive scanning & set my channel as 12
please suggest me for that

my drivers

my hardware

as our linux wireless documet said

if your device was programmed for operation in the US which allows 
operation on channels 1-11 on the 2.4 GHz band and you visit Japan which
 allows operation on channels 1-14 and you change your regulatory domain
 to JP you will not be able to use channel 12, 13 or 14 (CCK). But if 
you have a device programmed for operation in Japan and visit the US and
 you select US as your regulatory domain you will have channel 12-14 

as above discription if you go from U.S to JAPAN ,can't access channel 12,13 & 14 ,but device programed for japan we used channel 12-14 
,& then you go japan to U.S 12-14 channel will be disabled

can you suggest me that i set my regulatory domain as japan at the boot time so that i enabled? my channel no 12 & 13 as said below(linux-wireless document)

you have a device programmed for operation in Japan and visit the US and
 you select US as your regulatory domain you will have channel 12-14 
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