[PATCH] fix wpa group rekeying

michael-dev michael-dev
Tue Jul 24 11:10:49 PDT 2012


I'm currently facing

  wpa_group_setkeys: Unexpected GKeyDoneStations=2 when starting new GTK 

warnings with two STAs connected in different VLANs, but only 
wpa_group_setkeys: GKeyDoneStations=1 messages.
I can only explain this with wpa_group_update_sta being called multiple 
times per sta, as GKeyDoneStations is only incremented there and after 
each wpa_group_setkeys, the GKeyDoneStations of the driven group is 
correct (= the number of stas in the processed vlan).

Looking at wpa_auth_for_each_sta and its for_each implementation on 
wpa_auth_glue.c, I find that this code iterates over all sta and not 
just those of the given group. This can be verified by printing debug 
messages in wpa_group_update_sta giving the group vlan_id, which shows 
both vlans (of both stas) in each wpa_group_setkeys call.

Please find attached a patch that fixes this by giving the group 
pointer as callback context in wpa_group_setkeys and let 
wpa_group_update_sta skip those stas that are not in the correct group.
It works for me and fixes the wpa group keying issues seen before.

Signed-hostap: Michael Braun <michael-dev at fami-braun.de>

   M. Braun
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