Measure connection times

Patrick Herrmann Patrick.Herrmann
Fri Feb 17 05:52:57 PST 2012

I need to measure the duration of the connection process to compare EAP full authorization with using a cached PMK for my diploma thesis. What is the best way to do this?

Currently I make timestamps at two points:

1. In event.c: (associate with new BSS)
wpa_supplicant_connect(...) {
if (wpa_s->reassociate ||
    (os_memcmp(selected->bssid, wpa_s->bssid, ETH_ALEN) != 0 &&
    (wpa_s->wpa_state != WPA_ASSOCIATING ||
    os_memcmp(selected->bssid, wpa_s->pending_bssid, ETH_ALEN) !=
    0))) {
// timestamp

2. In wpa_supplicant.c: (WPA state change to completed, i.e. 4way-handshake completed)
void wpa_supplicant_set_state(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
                              enum wpa_states state) {
if (state == WPA_COMPLETED && wpa_s->new_connection) {
// timestamp

Thank you,

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