Possibility of bypassing hostapd's "Radius Client"

uday kiran kaniki.uday
Mon Sep 19 06:48:23 PDT 2011

>> Could you please provide more detailed description of what you are
>> trying to do?

I am using one application which runs RADIUS client and IEEE 802.1x EAPOL
authenticator. I am using this application to authenticate the "wired" users
connected to ethernet ports . At the same time , i want to run hostapd to
authenticate the "wi-fi" users too ( I have wired and wi-fi ports on my

I want to avoid the redundency of running two RADIUS clients and two EAPOL
authenticators ( Just came to know that my application also got one EAPOL

Hence I want to detach that part of hostapd , so that I can use my
application's RADIUS client and EAPOL code  for authenticating both wired
and wireless users.

Is that a good approach ? Awaiting your comments ?

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