Wake Accesspoint over WLAN

Karl Rothenhöfer karl
Fri Feb 25 13:50:52 PST 2011

Hello everybody,


I know that my intents are debatable, but anyhow I would like to describe
them and ask a few questions related to them. It would be super if I could
get answers or other advice about how to reach my objectives.


I want to implement a Wireless server based on Linux. If idle persists for a
longer time I would like the server to shutdown to standby in order to save
energy; and I would like to wake up the server over wlan (WOWLAN) by clients
requesting service.


November 3, 2009: Atheros Announces XSPAN with SST3 11n Ecosystem of
Solutions for Highest Performance Multimedia Networking


I read from there:

=== Beginning ===

Atheros? SST3 solutions also feature Wake-on-Wireless? to enable the host to
sleep for longer periods for enhanced efficiency. In all of the AR9300
networking solutions, Atheros has implemented Unscheduled Automatic Power
Save Delivery (UAPSD), which allows PCs to sleep more often and longer when
connected to SST3-based routers. And, across the entire family of AR9300
solutions, Atheros has implemented its patented Efficient Power Amplifier?
(EPA) technology to lower the power utilization when the PA is integrated
onto the chip. 

=== End ===

So if I could use a sufficiently recent WLAN Adapter I should be able to
make use of Wake-on-Wireless. This WLAN Adapter would have to be supported
by a device driver capable to support accesspoint functionality in Linux.




=== Beginning ===

ath9k - Atheros unveils free Linux driver for its 802.11n devices
nux-driver-for#ath9k-AtherosunveilsfreeLinuxdriverforits802.11ndevices>  ?

We are pleased to announce Atheros has released ath9k to the community. This
driver is aimed at inclusion to the Linux kernel and supports all Atheros
IEEE 802.11n devices. This represents a major shift in terms of support from
Atheros with respect to Linux. The ath9k driver comes shortly after Atheros
hired two key Linux wireless developers -- Luis Rodriguez and Jouni Malinen.

We have been informed Atheros does plan to add access point support to ath9k
and to work with the community to enhance and complete access point support
in the Linux kernel.

=== End ===


Based on above information I would like to ask my questions:


1.      Has ath9k become ready and stable including accesspoint support?

2.      What WLAN-Adapters supported by ath9k are available, with
capabilities for WOWLAN?

3.      Can a WLAN Client wake up its accesspoint over WLAN?

4.      Can wake up be performed with both Magic Packet and Special Pattern?


I would be very grateful for answers and hope that they are positive for my


Many regards

Karl Rothenh?fer


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