wpa_supplicant: Processing P2P Service Discovery Externally

윤민홍 mhyun
Tue Dec 20 18:32:37 PST 2011

Dear colleagues,


I?m trying to process P2P Service Discovery request with external program.

I tested some P2P commands, however a problem blocked me to go further.


The experimental environment is:

wlan0 (02:00:00:00:00:00): processing P2P Service Discovery request EXTERNALLY & wpa_cli

wlan1 (02:00:00:00:01:00): wpa_cli


The testing procedure is:

1.     wlan1 sent a P2P SD request to wlan0.
I typed ?p2p_serv_disc_req 02:00:00:00:00:00 02000001? in wpa_cli of wlan1.

2.     wpa_cli of wlan0 displayed P2P SD request from wlan1.
The displayed messages is ?<3>P2P-SERV-DISC-REQ 2437 02:00:00:00:01:00 0 0 02000001?

3.     To respond the request I typed ?p2p_serv_disc_resp 2437 02:00:00:00:01:00 0 0300000101? in wpa_cli of wlan0. And, ?OK? showed up in wpa_cli.

4.     I expected that wpa_cli of wlan1 displayed ?<3>P2P-SERV-DISC-RESP 02:00:00:00:00:00 0 0300000101?, however no message was displayed.
Also, wpa_cli of wlan0 displayed ?<3>P2P-SERV-DISC-REQ 2437 02:00:00:00:01:00 0 0 02000001? multiple times until I cancel the SD request on wlan1.


When I tested the same thing with dbus API, same result occurred.

Please let me know in which part I made a mistake.


Best Regards,


Minhong Yun


Software Research Laboratory, ETRI

Tel: +82-42-860-6394 / Fax: +82-42-860-6671

Minhong Yun


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