P2P IDLE state and connect / ProvisionDiscovery

Fabien Marotte fabienx.marotte
Thu Nov 4 09:50:18 PDT 2010

Hi Jouni,

I noted that the following sequencing of command looks to fail in p2p:

            Peer1                 |               Peer2
      p2p_find(timeout=10)        |        p2p_find(timeout=10)
           SEARCH STATE           |            SEARCH STATE
           DEVICE_FOUND           |            DEVICE_FOUND
       Wait for timeout           |          wait for timeout
           IDLE STATE             |            IDLE STATE
p2p_provision_discovery(display) |         Nothing happens
         Nothing happens          |

Note that if you replace timeout by p2p_stop_find, this behavior remains 
the same. Note also that if you replace p2p_provision_discovery by 
p2p_connect, I still have noting that happens.

However, if I do the same sequencing without the timeout/p2p_stop_find, 
everything is working fine:
              PC1                 |                 PC2
      p2p_find(timeout=10)        |        p2p_find(timeout=10)
           SEARCH STATE           |            SEARCH STATE
p2p_provision_discovery(display) |            DISPLAY PIN
             ...                  |                ...

Looking at the code, I understand that being in IDLE state should not be 
a problem. However it looks to don't work.

Can you tell me what should be the right behavior ?



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