wpa_supplicant 0.6.4 (possibly) sends malformed data

Milan Plzik milan.plzik
Mon Feb 9 04:28:03 PST 2009


  I'm using wpa_supplicant to associate with WPA Enterprise network, my
setup is:

 1) RADIUS server (freeradius with OpenSSL enabled)
 2) Asus WL-500gP with original firmware (tested also with OpenWRT), MAC
 3) wpa_supplicant 0.6.4 on laptop (MAC is 00:1e:4c:04:ab:84).

  Association fails (for me) most of the time, although in certain cases
I'm able to associate and use the network. I tried to dump the failing
association, and just before the Failure response from access point
there is malformed SSL packet generated by my laptop; see attachment.

  I don't know exactly how does the association via radius<=>ap<=>client
work, but when trying to associate to freeradius in debug mode, I'm
getting error in fragmentation logic; I also believe both radius and AP
are configured correctly, as windows client associates correctly.

  Best regards,
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