Does wpa supplicant version 0.6.4 support Windows Server 2008 NAP IEEE802.1X Enforcement ?

Tomonari Yoshimura yosimura
Mon Sep 29 20:39:29 PDT 2008

Hi all,

I tried to test Microsoft NAP IEEE802.1x Enforcement using wpa supplicant version 0.6.4 eap_peap as a peer and Microsoft Windows
Server 2008 as an NPS.
However the EAP PEAP sequence stops just after sending SoH TLV from Peer to Server,
as a response to SoH Request TLV from Server.
If anyone tested the NAP IEEE802.1X EC between wpa supplicant 0.6.4 peer and Windows Server 2008,
please let us know the test result and the debug log, if possible.

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