david.obrien1 at wachovia.com david.obrien1
Thu Dec 4 11:59:52 PST 2008

I have a linux laptop wanting to wifi into the wireless network here...
The configuration pages from the internal wifi instructions say to go this 
for the windows configuration
What would be an appropriate wpa_supplicant.conf to do all this?

a.      select the Enterprise Security radio button
b.      select WPA2 ? Enterprise in the Network Authentication: drop-down
c.      select AES ? CCMP in the Data Encryption: drop-down
d.      select PEAP in the Authentication Type: drop-down
e.      select GTC in the Authentication Protocol: drop-down
f.      select Use Windows logon in the User Credentials: drop-down
g.      enter anonymous in the Roaming Identity: field

2.      Configure the following in the Step 2 of 2: PEAP Server section
a.      check the Validate Server Certificate box
b.      Select Any Trusted CA in the Certificate Issuer: drop-down
c.      check the Specify Server or Certificate Name box
d.      select the Domain name must end with the specified entry radio 
e.      enter wachovia.net in the Server or Certificate Name: field

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