Looking for a new web server for wpa_supplicant/hostapd

Jouni Malinen jkmaline
Tue Jan 9 18:53:10 PST 2007

I would like to move the web service for http://hostap.epitest.fi/ to a
new server shortly. If someone would be willing to provide hosting for a
virtual HTTP server for wpa_supplicant/hostapd web site, please let me
know (jkmaline at cc.hut.fi). Ideally, I would like to get Bugzilla running
on the new server, too, and would like to be able to update the site
over an ssh connection, but other than that, there is not really much
requirements for the server at this point. As a temporary solution, even
a server with just static pages (i.e., no Bugzilla) could be helpful.

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA

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