Problems: associating ipw3945 wpa_supplicant

Norbert Preining preining
Tue Feb 20 13:17:47 PST 2007

On Die, 20 Feb 2007, Dan Williams wrote:
> Ah, but all WEP _does_ require authentication:  either Shared Key or
> Open System (which is actually NULL authentication).  You've got Shared
> Key auth specified in the wpa_supplicant network block, try removing
> auth_alg=SHARED and see what happens.

Big big thanks! This did the trick, sorry for the noise.

But, what I don't udnerstand AT ALL is why it worked with all my other
AP, only with this one I found the configuration error ....

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at>                    Universit? di Siena
Debian Developer <preining at>                         Debian TeX Group
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