handshake error

Jouni Malinen j
Thu Dec 6 18:28:04 PST 2007

On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 08:50:36AM -0500, Frank wrote:

> and I have sent him all the attachments. He says that I need to use
> wpa_passphrase to encrypt the password instead of putting it into the
> config file in plain text.

That is not correct. There is no difference between configuring the
ASCII passphrase directly to wpa_supplicant and using wpa_passphrase to
convert it to a PSK apart from the extra CPU time it takes to do this
when parsing the configuration file. wpa_passphrase is not needed and it
is there only to allow some optimization on CPU use for very low-end
devices. In addition, wpa_passphrase does not encrypt the passphrase in
any way, it just derives the pre-shared key from it (and SSID). The end
result is as "plain text" as the input.

> wpa_driver_madwifi_associate: SETMLME[ASSOC] failed

I would suggest testing with the standard Linux wireless extensions
interface code instead of the old madwifi specific version, i.e., change
-Dmadwifi to -Dwext on the command line.

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA

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