Trying to connect to network with LEAP authentication

James J. Ramsey jjramsey_6x9eq42
Wed Sep 27 10:52:11 PDT 2006

--- Dan Williams <dcbw at> wrote:

> Right.  It's the driver and/or card reporting that
> it lost the
> connection to the access point.

After using my wireless under Windows XP for a while,
I found that the connection turned out to be flaky.
(It was only when I tested it under Windows briefly
that it seemed to be "perfect.") At times the
connection seems decent, and even long enough to
download MiKTeX--though I had to resume the download
after a disconnect--but othertimes, not so much. I
wonder if that was the reason for my problems under
Linux. If that is the case, though, why did I get a
connection at all under Windows? 

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