Installation and configuration

Pavel Roskin proski
Fri May 12 11:08:21 PDT 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 18:51 +0200, Axel Seguin wrote:
> Hi,
> I am really new with hostapd. I am trying to install it on a lynksys  
> WRT54G using OpenWRT White Russian RC5. Has anyone already done it?
> I compiled it fine but when I try ti run it I get this message :
> ./hostapd: 1: ELFH4?: not found

Apparently hostapd is executed as a script rather than as an ELF
executable.  Try running "file hostapd" to see if it's a valid ELF file.
Also, run "file" on one of the OpenWRT executables and compare the
output.  Maybe OpenWRT uses some other executable format.

Pavel Roskin

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