Machine authentication

Jacky wyqjnm
Wed Mar 29 20:37:45 PST 2006

In either case, you'll have to configure wpa_supplicant's network block

>like this:
>	ssid="whatever"
>	key_mgmt=WPA-EAP
>	proto=WPA2   # or WPA, I'm not sure what version you need
>	eap=TLS
>	private_key=cert://xxxxxxx
Thanks, in fact I am using wpa_supplicant on Linux.  I manage to find 
the current user's certifcate in the cert MMC.
However, when I try to export the certificate, I can not export the 
private key. Also what format should I export it to (DER/Base-64/.P7B)?

Another question is: can I actually find out what's the machine account 
password and can I use the machine account password instead?


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