[PATCH] Re-synchronize driver_madwifi.c ioctl order with madwifi-ng rev 1331 and later

Pieter Hollants pieter
Fri Mar 17 03:44:37 PST 2006

Hash: SHA1

In wpa_supplicant/driver_madwifi.c, rev. 1.19 added support for
madwifi-ng's at that time new private ioctls. That was based against SVN
rev 1298-1330 of madwifi-ng's net80211/net80211_wireless.c, in which the
ioctl order still was SETPARAM, GETPARAM, SETKEY etc.

However, as http://madwifi.org/changeset/1331 shows, the ioctls were
reordered on 22 November last year, and wpa_supplicant wasn't updated so
far to reflect these changes. So in my theory, wpa_supplicant's
madwifi-ng support must have been broken since then, since the ioctls it
uses are the old ones.

I noticed this in my debugging attempts, since I got messages such as

WPA: Installing PTK to the driver
wpa_driver_madwifi_set_key: alg=CCMP key_idx=0 set_tx=1 seq_len=6 key_len=16
ioctl[unknown???]: No such device of address
WPA: Failed to set PTK to the driver.

The actual problem here is what I'm still trying to debug, within the
context of this message only the "unknown???" part is of relevance since
this should obviously be SETKEY.

Attached is a patch to re-synchronize the ioctl order in
driver_madwifi.c to madwifi-ng rev 1331 and later. Please check.

- --
Pieter "Fate" Hollants <pieter at hollants.com>
(a current GnuPG key is available at www.hollants.com/gnupg.txt)
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