Really poor range in AP mode

Yan Seiner yan
Thu Jul 20 14:25:40 PDT 2006

I am somewhat at a loss on how to proceed.   I have a hostap - driven 
wifi card (linksys WCF12) which works OK, but its range is very poor. In 
managed mode, the card has poor but acceptable range - say 10 -15', not 
great, but OK for a handheld.  In AP mode, the range is really really 
bad - it can be measured in feet, sometimes in inches.  Right now, I 
have to have AP and client < 1' apart - even the width of a desktop will 
cause the connection to fail.

I am convinced this is a driver problem, but I have struck out 
completely with google finding any guidance on how to proceed.

But I am open to any and all suggestions on how to fix this.  I need a 
range of about 5 - 10' for my application.


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