Hostap & Bonding with ARP link monitoring

Erdenebayar Buriad bayar
Sun Dec 10 20:18:40 PST 2006

Hi folks

I have problem, bonding with ARP link monitoring.

My testbed is simple, only two mobile nodes with 2 wireless interfaces, each 
I planned to demonstrate bonding technology with ARP link monitoring, 
bonding mode 0 (balance-rr).
When I use MII monitoring for bonding, It was OK (bonding mode: 0,1,2,3).

But when I tried bonding with ARP link monitoring, It seams to be some 
problem. There was not any connection between nodes (between bonded 
interfaces). Each nodes sending ARP packets.
Also, I have not any boning error message when I configure bonding driver 
and interface.
Status bonding is DOWN in the "/proc/net/bonding/bond0".
I used this command on both nodes : "modprobe bonding mode=2 
arp_interval=1000 arp_ip_target="

I am using Wireless interface: PRISM 3 chipset based wireless cards
driver : Hostap 0.4.7 (also I tried 0.4.9) and hostap-util 0.4.7
linux kernel - (RHEL 4)

Have you any idea, please ?

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